In order for active Southern students to be eligible for employment on campus during Fall and Winter semesters, they must be enrolled at least half time (excluding dual enrollment courses) at the undergraduate or graduate status level.

During the Fall or Winter semester, the course credit load criteria may be lifted so long as the student is enrolled in their final remaining course(s) to graduate that current semester. For example: An undergraduate student is enrolled in less than six credit hours in their final semester because he/she only needs those credits to graduate, he/she may remain employed or be hired by exception to the criteria mentioned above. Requests for these do not need HR Committee approval but hiring managers must inform Human Resources of the specifics surrounding the exception.

Hiring of Academy Students: A limited number of academy students can be hired by certain departments for essential duties that need to be cared for during breaks when university students may not be available. These departments include but not limited to, the Service Department, Village Market, and Food Services. Academy students may be hired during the summer only if university students are not available.

During the academic school year, if a department is experiencing challenges finding university students to fill critical positions, the department may request to the Human Resources Committee an exception to this policy for that particular time/position, should they need to extend their search and employ academy students.

For the purpose of this employment policy, an academy student can be a student in grades 9-12 that is either enrolled in a Seventh-Day Adventist Academy or is a Seventh-Day Adventist church member (or child of a parent that is a Seventh-Day Adventist church member), enrolled in a public high school or in a homeschool program.

Note that if an academy student is a minor (under the age of 18), there are certain hiring and job compliance guidelines that must be met. The Human Resources and the hiring manager should work collaboratively to meet those standards.