Cell Phone and Mobile Device Use Update Delete

The use of cell phones and other mobile devices on campus is governed by general cell-phone etiquette. Three of the “top ten things” to know about cell phone etiquette especially pertain to student life:

1) Be courteous to those you are with by turning off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation, lecture, or activity;

2) Don’t make calls in a library, theater, or church;

3) Don’t text during class or at your job.

These rules of politeness govern the expectations Southern has for its students at chapels, convocations, and performing arts programming.

Professors often state their expectations about the use of mobile devices on their syllabi; however, in the event that faculty fail to do so, the polite act is that you put the devices away unless professors instruct you to use them as part of a class assignment.

The use of the camera on a mobile device is always inappropriate in public restrooms, locker rooms, and showers. An incident in which a cell phone or portable device has been used in such a manner will be referred to the Title IX office for investigation. Any sanction that is levied as a result of this sort of inappropriate use of a portable device will come from the Title IX office unless the subject of the photography was not under the jurisdiction of the university. In such a case, the incident will be referred to Student Conduct as a violation of Southern’s Freedom of Expression policy.