Admission Categories Update Delete

Admission to the graduate programs is based on academic preparation and potential. Applicants who meet the admission requirements may be accepted under one of three categories.

Regular Admission

Regular admission status is granted to degree-seeking students meeting all admission criteria, including program-specified requirements.

Provisional Admission

Provisional admission status may be granted to an applicant whose GPA or test scores do not meet the minimum academic requirements.


Under provisional admission, students may take a maximum of 9 graduate hours and must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00. Regular admission status may be granted once this requirement is met. Students not meeting the GPA requirement are not eligible to take additional classes. See School specific admission requirements.

Non-degree Admission

Non-degree admission status may be granted to applicants who meet the academic requirements, but who are not pursuing a degree or who have not fully completed the admissions process (see Admissions Requirements). International students on student visas are not eligible for non-degree status.


Under non-degree admission, students may take a maximum of 6 graduate hours and must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00. Non-degree admission does not guarantee acceptance into a degree program. Non-degree students who decide to pursue a degree must still meet all admission requirements.


Applicants who are not pursuing a degree may be granted non-degree status upon submitting these items to Graduate Studies:

  • Non-degree Application form.
  • Non-refundable application fee.