The following academic ranks are conferred upon full-time faculty, faculty who regularly teach at least half-time, and professional librarians. Initial academic rank for new faculty is determined by the vice president for Academic Administration in consultation with the school dean/department chair and the Faculty Promotions Committee.

The following criteria are minimum requirements for the various academic ranks. All degrees are defined as earned degrees from accredited institutions. The Faculty Promotions Committee or the president may recommend exceptions based on notable performance, the nature of certain specialized fields, or terminal degrees that are not doctorates.

  1. Instructor, comprising five incremental steps. Faculty at this rank must hold a master’s degree.
  2. Assistant Professor, comprising five incremental steps. Faculty at this rank must have successful teaching experience and hold a master’s degree or a doctorate.
  3. Associate Professor, comprising three incremental steps. Faculty at this rank must have successful teaching experience as assistant professor and hold a master’s degree or doctorate. Faculty members holding a master’s degree ordinarily do not advance beyond step two.
  4. Professor, comprising three incremental steps. Faculty at this rank must have successful teaching experience as associate professor and hold a doctorate or a terminal degree.