The operations of the university are seriously impaired by absence and tardiness; therefore it is important for employees to report to work as scheduled. Employees are expected to notify their supervisor of any absence as far in advance as possible, but no later than the beginning of the scheduled work day.

Unless prior arrangements have been made, employees are expected to notify their supervisor on each day of absence. In the case of sickness employees may be required to provide a doctor’s release before returning to work.

Supervisors must approve all requests for paid absences. Absence without prior notice to the department (“no call - no show”) will result in discipline up to and including discharge. Failure to report for scheduled work or to notify the supervisor of the absence in a timely manner for three consecutive workdays or five non-consecutive days will result in discharge from employment.

Courtesy requires a word of explanation for tardiness. Excessive tardiness will result in discipline up to and including discharge. If the employee anticipates being late for work, he/she must telephone the employing department in advance.