In support of academic scholarship and professional enhancement of its full-time faculty, Southern Adventist University offers sabbatical leave opportunities according to the following guidelines.

  1. Eligibility
    1. Full and associate professors with an earned terminal degree and at least five full-time years at Southern Adventist University are eligible to apply for sabbatical leave. Faculty at this level are encouraged to take a one-semester sabbatical every eight years.
    2. Other faculty members who have at least six full-time years of service to Southern Adventist University will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    3. Faculty are required to provide at least two full-time years of service to Southern Adventist University following a sabbatical leave. Sabbatical leaves will not usually be granted to faculty members within three years of their individual normal retirement age. Failure to complete the required service after the sabbatical, including involuntarily moving to part-time status, would result in the faculty member being responsible for repayment of a pro-rata amount of the funds advanced during the sabbatical.
  2. Objectives
  3. Reasonable objectives for sabbatical leave might well vary for faculty members representing different disciplines. For the majority, the purpose of the sabbatical would probably be research, professional writing, or certain specific study plans. Academics in such areas as business might wish to develop or enhance personal professional competence through hands-on experience. Those in the social sciences, for example, might wish to participate in workplace activities in a subject area, which is closely related to, but not identical, with the academic specialty. Persons in the creative arts might desire time to pursue particularly challenging projects. Any of the above, plus any number of other objectives, would justify application for a sabbatical leave.
  4. Length of Leave
  5. Sabbaticals are defined as a period of one semester or a semester-summer combination.
  6. Application and Approval
  7. Faculty members must apply for sabbatical leaves to their department chairs or school deans, who, if they approve, send such applications to the vice president for Academic Administration. Then the president presents completed applications to the Board for final approval. Applications will be considered only if made one year in advance of the sabbatical leave. The application should include the period of time requested for the sabbatical, any remuneration requested and other expenses, which may be needed. The objectives and the activities the faculty member will be involved in should be included. Sabbaticals shall be granted as possible within the financial and academic limitations of Southern Adventist University. Only one professor at a time from a given department/school will be granted a sabbatical. No more than four concurrent sabbaticals will be approved for the entire university.
  8. Reporting
  9. Periodic reports on progress made during the sabbatical may be required, as well as a final report upon completion of the sabbatical leave.
  10. Financial Obligations
    1. Unless otherwise voted by the Board, full salary shall be allowed during the period of leave and may include in addition, at the option of the board, allowance for travel, research, secretarial help, etc., as may be required by the type of work to be undertaken during leave.
    2. Any financial remuneration received by the faculty member during sabbatical shall be turned over to Southern Adventist University up to the amount advanced to the faculty member. Remuneration above the amount advanced becomes the property of the faculty member.
    3. A period of two years of service shall be given Southern Adventist University following a sabbatical. The total amount advanced by the university for salary and allowances shall be amortized in two equal yearly installments during the period of service following the leave. If at any time during the two years following the sabbatical the faculty member voluntarily resigns the position, the unamortized amount shall be the faculty member’s personal responsibility and shall be due and payable by the faculty member within 90 days. If the faculty member is dismissed by the Board during the period following the sabbatical, the faculty member shall be responsible for repayment of the unamortized amount. If the faculty member’s position is eliminated by the university, he/she shall be released from the obligation of repayment. If the faculty member accepts a call to another organization within the denomination during the period of service following the sabbatical, the receiving institution shall be notified of the responsibility of the faculty member and the call shall be passed on only in case the receiving institution agrees to accept the responsibility for the payment of the unamortized pro-rata amount.