In relating to students, faculty members are guided by a respect for human dignity and a recognition of the infinite worth of an individual. By their teaching and example, they seek to (a) inspire students to set for themselves the highest goals of personal achievement and (b) guide them in the development of values based on biblical principles. Faculty members keep awareness of student ideas, needs, weaknesses, and personal failures confidential. This does not prevent them from honestly appraising students when providing references to university officials or prospective employers.

Faculty members have the prerogative to present to appropriate university administrators evidence of matters that are detrimental to the student and/or to the welfare and good name of the university. Faculty members do not conduct research that causes detriment to students. They secure permission and give credit for the use of original student contributions.

Faculty members are urged to keep in close touch with student life, by regularly attending the weekly convocations, by occasionally attending student functions and all-university gatherings, and periodically entertaining students at home.