1. Suggestions for individuals to be awarded honorary degrees may be submitted to the Honorary Degrees Committee by any faculty/staff, administrator, or board personnel.
  2. Any candidate nominated by the Honorary Degrees Committee must then be approved by the University Board.
  3. Honorary degrees will be awarded during commencement. Any presentation should be brief and not detract from the university graduates.
  4. The university is not obliged to award an honorary degree every year; neither is the university to be limited to only one degree per year. However, there should be no more than five honorary degrees conferred within a five-year period.
  5. An honorary doctorate degree will be one of the following:
    1. Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) For distinguished church leadership in administration, writing, or preaching that reflects an influence of unusual merit at the national or international level.
    2. Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.) For creative, original contributions in the fields of architecture, design, literature, music, painting, sculpture, or performance.
    3. Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) For scholarly achievement in the liberal arts or humanities and also for outstanding service to society.
    4. Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) For distinguished leadership in administration or public service in business, education, finance, government, or public life.
    5. Doctor of Pedagogy (Ped.D.) For outstanding service in education.
    6. Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) For demonstrated investigative achievement in the natural or physical science or major contributions to the medical sciences.