Faculty members nominate colleagues and the Medallion Subcommittee recommends recipients on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. The nominee must have completed seven years of service to the university.
  2. The nominee must meet at least one of the following four criteria:
    1. Outstanding classroom teaching. The nominee must demonstrate a sustained record of outstanding performance in the classroom, as evidenced by effective techniques, influence on students, cultivation of an intellectual atmosphere, fostering scholarly habits, and other pertinent aspects of the teaching process.
    2. Leadership among the faculty. The nominee must demonstrate a sustained record of participation in faculty life as evidenced by involvement in faculty organizations, effective membership on faculty committees, personal professionalism, and significant contributions to the university outside the classroom.
    3. Scholarly achievement. The nominee must demonstrate a sustained record of scholarly activities as evidenced by research and dissemination of information that has received recognition from professional peers.
    4. Service to the community. The nominee must demonstrate a sustained record of service to the community, which means either the Adventist or non-Adventist public. Such community service is related to the nominee’s professional standing and results in an enhancement to the image of the university.
  3. The nominee’s performance must be in keeping with the Christian character of the university.