The Medallion Subcommittee (appointed by the Faculty Affairs Committee) meets as many times each year as needed to select recipients for the medallion. At the beginning of each school year the sub-committee distributes to the faculty the criteria for the award, nomination forms, and a list of names of eligible faculty. Any faculty member may nominate a colleague by submitting a name and a brief summary of the nominee’s qualifications.

After studying the nominations, the Medallion Subcommittee votes to reduce the list of nominees to no more than four. If a member of the committee is one of the four candidates he/she will turn his/her duties over to an alternate and resume his/her membership the following year if his/her term has not expired. Each of the four candidates is assigned to a member of the Medallion Subcommittee who prepares a written statement describing the potential recipient’s record. By February 15, the committee recommends 1) one recipient, 2) two recipients, or 3) no recipient. The university president presents the medallion with a citation and an honorarium of $500.00 at spring commencement. Names of candidates who do not receive the medal are not automatically carried over to the following year. Seven years after receiving the medal a recipient becomes eligible to receive it again.