MOVING Update Delete

All moving and travel expense in which the university participates must be arranged with the vice president for Financial Administration office. Choice of mover and arrangements for moving will be made by that office in consultation with the employee to be moved.

Travel Expense:

  1. Mileage: If traveling by private car, an allowance will be paid for one car at the approved mileage rate by the shortest route. Allowance for up to two cars will be made for employee and spouse. No allowance will be made for additional cars.
  2. Motel expense: It is urged that modest priced motels be used. Motel and per diem expenses are reportable based on traveling approximately 500 miles per day.
  3. Per diem: At the approved rate based on a minimum of 500 miles per day.

Packing and Moving:

  1. Incoming employees are to pack their household items in sturdy containers or cartons. These will be accepted by the mover only if properly packed, taped, and tagged.
  2. The university will use commercial or conference moving vans. If a commercial carrier is used, the employee may wish to purchase extra moving insurance since the insurance from commercial carriers is minimal and would not replace all items in case of loss. The university will pay the cost of one moving van of personal and household effects with some exceptions as noted below.


  1. A flat taxable amount to cover packing and miscellaneous moving costs is granted as follows:
    1. Employee - 16.5% of base wage factor rounded up to the nearest $10
      Spouse - 16.5% of base wage factor rounded up to the nearest $10
      A single parent with dependent children may be granted 33 percent of the wage factor as a moving allowance.
  2. The Administrative Council may authorize additional travel and moving expense involving locating a residence at Southern Adventist University.
  3. Lodging as required and meals at the university cafeteria may be provided for a new faculty member and/or the family for a period not to exceed one week while looking for a permanent place of residence. Arrangements for meals shall be made through the Human Resources Department. Lodging arrangement shall be made by the employing department. Also, expenses incurred will be charged to the employing department.
  4. If a new faculty member occupies temporary quarters at the time he/she initially is hired, the university may bear the expense of one local move into permanent housing within two years after his/her employment begins at Southern Adventist University.
  5. The faculty member will arrange at his/her expense for servicing, disconnection, and re-connection of all appliances such as stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, air conditioner, and other appliances.
  6. All items not normally classified as household goods such as lumber, cement, fencing, rock, brick, automobiles, boats, and machine tools, are excluded from this policy.
  7. It is illegal for carriers to accept freezers with frozen food which cannot be delivered within 24 hours, or 150 miles.
  8. Carriers will not accept explosive or other dangerous articles.
  9. Animals and large animal houses are excluded from this policy.
  10. The removal of evergreens, shrubbery, potted plants, or other items of similar nature are excluded from this policy.
  11. Small articles of valuable nature such as money, hobby collections (stamps, coins, etc.) valuable papers, bonds, etc., should be handled by the employee personally. Such items should not be left in drawers of furniture or left for movers to handle. Boxes and containers should be labeled by room. Upon arrival at destination, instruct the movers to locate these containers where possible in the proper rooms.
  12. Dry cleaning of any type, house cleaning or maid service, taking up or laying carpeting, hanging pictures and mirrors, etc., are not a reimbursable expense of moving.
  13. Careful inspection of the goods should be made at the time of delivery for any evidence of loss or damage. The carrier’s attention should be called to it immediately and written acknowledgment on delivery ticket secured. This should be sent at once to the carrier’s office, with full report as to the extent and itemized value of loss, where claim will be filed and necessary authorization given as to repairs or replacement.
  14. A moving order will be issued by the vice president for Financial Administration.
  15. Mileage, per diem, and travel receipts are required for reimbursement of moving expenses and should be reported separately from regular business travel expense. Un-reimbursed expenses can be offset by filing IRS Form 3903.
  16. Moving expenses will be amortized over a period of four years’ employment after the move to Southern Adventist University per the following schedule:

Years of Service/Amortized by SAU

    1. Less than 2 years 0%
    2. More than 2 years but less than 3 50%
    3. More than 3 years but less than 4 75%
    4. 4 or more years 100%

Any unamortized expense is due and payable from the employee or from another denominational employer if transferring.