Retired Southern Adventist University faculty with a rank of associate professor or professor and a demonstrated interest in research and publication may apply for a limited number of research professor positions. Application would be made through the vice president for Academic Administration and should be supported by a recommendation from the school dean/department chair of the applicant. The research professor position is granted for a period of one year. Application should be made each year for a continuation if desired.

The decision to recommend the research professor rank to a retired faculty member would be at the discretion of the president, vice president for Academic Administration, and the school dean/department chair of the faculty member’s school/department. If approved, the president would recommend the faculty member to the Board for final approval.

Conditions and benefits of the research professor:

  1. The research professor does not receive a salary. Secretarial assistance and office space is not part of the research professor arrangement.
  2. The research professor has the full use and services of the library facilities.
  3. The research professor may apply for university research scholarship funds.
  4. The research professor has the right to a stipend to cover attendance at professional meetings and other expenses related to the area of research. Approval for expenditures will be obtained from the school dean/department chair. The annual expenses reimbursed shall not exceed the amount the professor would be eligible to receive from the professional growth allowance if employed.
  5. Research and articles to be published should be submitted first to the faculty member’s dean/chair for approval.
  6. The publication should recognize Southern Adventist University as the sponsoring organization.