Significant research enhances both the experience of the faculty member and the reputation of the university. Research leaves may be granted to faculty members by the Board. (See Research Leave, Policy 5740.)
Research may be considered a part of the faculty member’s load, provided that it seems likely the project will lead to publication or other useful purposes, and that the teaching schedule permits a lighter class load. The request for arrangements for research is to be submitted through the school dean/department chair to the vice president for Academic Administration, and the proposal should contain (1) a brief description of the project in non-specialized terms; (2) a brief discussion of the importance of the project, its relationship to the researcher’s field, and the result he/she hopes to obtain; (3) an estimate of the duration of the project and the fraction of the faculty member’s time needed for its completion; and (4) an itemized budget listing such costs as travel and clerical assistance.