The use of electronic devices as a tool for learning is highly encouraged as long as permission has been granted by those being recorded prior to recording. Professors may choose their own personal comfort level with recording devices but are expected to present their guidelines in their course syllabi. Electronic devices include but are not limited to:

    1. cellular phones
    2. digital cameras
    3. video recorders
    4. web cams
    5. audio recorders

Additional guidelines for and video recording in the context of a disability are found on Southern Adventist University’s Disability Support Services website (

Choice locations and events on campus are subject to privacy consideration. The expectation of privacy is found at but not limited to the following locations:

    1. on-campus housing
    2. classroom bathrooms
    3. changing rooms,
    4. private offices.

Counseling sessions, committees and some classroom discussions are based on the privacy of the venue. Permission must be granted before the recording of these events.

Audio and video recordings are assumed to be for personal/educational use only. If the content is to be broadcast or published documented consent documented consent must be secured from recorded parties.

Special events or specific venue may require additional guidelines for the use of electronic devices. The venue owner is responsible for notifying attendees of guidelines.