Academic Program Review Committee Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: Associate VP for Academic Admin, Chair; Director of Institutional research, Director of Records, 6 Level-3 teaching faculty members, at least 4 of whom must hold the rank of full professor (3 members elected each year by senate for staggered, non-renewable 2-year terms [eligible for another term after a 1-year hiatus]).


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made to the Vice President for Academic Administration:

The program review process provides an opportunity to look at present practices, document accomplishments, and identify and improve shortcomings. This review is designed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the educational programs in the achievement of planned goals and objective, improved effectiveness of program(s), and alignment of program(s) and institutional goals. Recommendations are made to the school/department being reviewed and to the VP for Academic Administration. The Review committee’s recommendations shall be implemented unless the school or department appeals the recommendation to the Undergraduate or Graduate Council. Review Committee recommendations can be struck down or amended by a 2/3 or greater majority vote of the Undergraduate or Graduate Council. Department chairs or deans of schools appealing the report or individual recommendations as well as any members of Undergraduate/Graduate Council serving of the Review Committee shall abstain from voting.

Started 2017

Academic Research Committee (ARC) Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: Thirteen members consisting of a total of nine faculty members appointed by the University Senate (at least one of whom teaches in a graduate program and one from Library). Faculty positions are staggered, three-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus). Three faculty, are to be selected from each of the following areas: Science/ Math (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math, and

Physics and Engineering), Life Sciences (Faculty Development, On–line Campus, Business and Management, Education and Psychology, Journalism & Communication, Nursing, Physical Education, Health and Wellness, Social Work, and Technology). Liberal Arts (English, History, Library, Modern Languages, Music, Religion, and Visual Art & Design). Student Association shall appoint one student for a one-year, non-renewable term (recommended that this student be selected from the pool of Southern Scholars, the vice president for Academic Administration, ex officio, Exec. Director Budget and Financial Analysis, ex officio, and the IRB chair, ex officio.

The ARC will elect a chair and secretary from among its membership. The secretary position is for two years, beginning at the time of election. The secretary is the chair- elect. The chair position is for two years, beginning at the time of appointment as chair, and is non-renewable.

The ARC will elect three IRB Committee members from among its membership, one member each from Science/Math, Life Sciences, and Liberal Arts. IRB Committee positions are for one year terms renewable as long as they are still members of the ARC


Authority to Act:

The Academic Research Committee facilitates academic research through four

functions: support, quality assurance/review, funding and reporting. The Committee has

authority to act in each of these areas as follows:

Support -The ARC:

1. Encourages and supports research initiatives and activities, including evaluating needs for in-service training and mentorship.

2. Recommends, through established administrative policy-making channels and the University Senate, actions and/or changes to policies applicable to research under its


3. Makes available to faculty and staff, ARC grant applications and IRB applications.

Quality Assurance/Review - The ARC and the IRB:

1. Coordinates with SAU legal counsel, SAU Institutional Research, SAU Risk

Management, and SAU Administration to ensure:

  1. Compliance with legal, regulatory, and ethical laws, regulations, mandates, and provisions, and
  2. Containment of University risk exposure related to academic research.

2. Receives notification of the development of unexpected risks in the course of conducting research, and, where appropriate, recommends actions relating to that risk.

3. Supports the integrity of University research activities, including quality, feasibility, and value.

Funding - The Academic Research Committee:

1. Reviews, approves or denies funding requests from SAU Faculty for academic research.

2. Cooperates with the SAU Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance to establish the annual grant budget used by the Academic Research Committee to facilitate

campus-wide academic research.

3. Coordinates with the SAU Accounting Department in distributing approved research grant funds.

Recording and Reporting - The ARC, through the IRB subcommittee:

1. Receives, reviews and maintains records of all on-going campus wide academic research.

2. Reports annually, and as requested, to the University Senate the activities of the

Academic Research Committee and the Institutional Review Board subcommittee.

3. Makes available to Academic Administration and Dean of Graduate Studies, through the ARC and IRB SharePoint sites, the current status of on-going campus wide academic research.

Revised 2017

Academic Review Committee Reports to Undergraduate Council

Membership: Associate vice president for Academic Administration, chair, vice president for Student Development, associate vice president for Enrollment Management, director of Records and Advisement, director of Student Success Center, director of Learning Support Services, Three faculty appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus).


Authority to Act:

To review the academic status of students on conditional standing who are subject to dismissal; to spell out conditions for their retention or to dismiss them because of their lack of academic success.

Recommendations to be made to the Undergraduate Council:

To recommend changes to the conditional standing and dismissal policies.

Administrative Council Reports through President

Membership: President, chair, senior vice president for Academic Administration, senior vice president for Financial Administration, vice president for Student Development, vice president for Advancement, vice president for Enrollment Management, vice president of Spiritual Life, vice president of Marketing and University Relations, all associate vice presidents, director of Admissions, director of Alumni Relations, director of Enrollment Management/Student Finance, director of Institutional Research and Planning, executive director of Institutional Research & Planning, director of Planned Giving, director of Records and Advisement, director of Risk Management, controller, 2 student development representatives selected by vice president of Student Development (two-year staggered non-renewable terms) and two faculty representatives selected by the University Senate (for two-year staggered, non-renewable terms).

Description and Purpose: The Administrative Council with its committees is designed to bring together representatives from all branches of administration to handle administrative matters in a systematic manner. It serves as the policy-making body for the administrative sector of the university and as the parent body for all administrative committees. Administrative committees recommend policy changes to the Administrative Council and report their actions as deemed necessary.

Extent and Limitation of Authority: The Administrative Council acts within authority delegated to it by the Board. Its decisions are subject to approval by the Board, which may restrict or expand the authority of the Administrative Council as necessary to transact university business.

In the event that employees disagree with a decision by the Administrative Council, they may request further explanations of the action and a second hearing of the question if 20 percent of the University Assembly so petition.

Signed petitions must be presented to the university president no later than four weeks after an official announcement about the action in question has been made. At the second hearing the Administrative Council may rescind, modify, or reaffirm its previous action. If an impasse still exists, the Board may be asked to decide the issue.


Authority to Act:

To act as the administrative authority on financial matters, and other general administrative matters that do not fall primarily within the domain of the University Senate, to formulate policies and to make exception to policies, pertaining to such matters, to delegate to appropriate committees the

authority to make exceptions to policies, to approve non-budgetary purchases and major purchases provided by the budget; to approve housing contracts and sales of university assets; and to report to employees on those actions which are of general concern.

Revised 2022

Admissions Committee Reports to Undergraduate Council

Membership: Vice president for Enrollment Management, chair; associate vice president for Academic Administration, vice chair, applications manager in Admissions, secretary, director of Student Success Center, director of Records and Advisement, director of Learning Support Services, assistant director of Enrollment Management/Admissions, three members of the faculty (General Education background preferred) as selected by University Senate for a three-year, non-renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus).


Authority to Act:

To review and act on any applicant’s request for admission whose situation is extraordinary or exceptional.

Recommendations to be made to the Undergraduate Council:

To recommend changes in admission policies as needed.

Adult Experiential Learning Committee Reports to Vice President of Academic Administration

Membership: Four faculty who are selected by Senate to serve staggered, two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus). The Associate Vice President for Academic Administration and Director of Records and Graduate School Recruiter, ex oficio.


Authority to Act:

To review best practices for evaluating adult experiential learning credits and oversee a process of establishing and granting credit, develop a process for evaluating student portfolios and provide training for faculty to evaluate portfolios.

Recommendations to be made through the Vice President for Academic Administration:

To recommend policies and procedures for evaluating and granting adult experiential learning credit.

Advisement Committee Reports to Undergraduate Council

Membership: Assistant director of Records and Advisement, chair, vice president for Academic Administration, vice president for Enrollment Management, director of Student Success Center, First Year Experience Coordinator, Retention and First Year Advising Coordinator, and six teaching faculty from six departments/school appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and two students appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To plan and implement an on-going in-service training program for all faculty who participate as advisors, in cooperation with the Records Office and coordinator of advisement.
  2. To encourage a grassroots participation in planning and implementing student advising as a primary responsibility of faculty and as an integral part of the educational process.
  3. To provide for research and input from faculty and students for the improvement of advisement.

Recommendations to be made to the Undergraduate Council:

  1. To recommend changes in advisement policies.
  2. To devise and recommend a system of recognition and evaluation for faculty advisors.

Animal Care and Use Subcommittee Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom teaches in a graduate program, appointed by the University Senate for staggered non-renewable three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), including the following: Biology, chair; Religion, a veterinarian (not affiliated with Southern), and a physician (not affiliated with Southern)


Authority to Act:

To oversee and approve all research on campus involving animals.

Revised 2013

Assessment and Effectiveness Review Committee Reports to President

Membership: Senior Vice President for Academic Administration, chair; Director of Institutional Research and Planning, secretary; business intelligence analyst; the unit assessment system/document manager from the School of Education and Psychology; SACS liaison; three members of University Assembly with at least one salaried staff member and one faculty member appointed by the President’s Cabinet with term of service limited to two years with a maximum of two terms and eligible for another two terms after a one-year hiatus.


Authority to Act:

  1. To evaluate data received from major surveys and identify significant changes and trends of interest to the University.
  2. To commission additional data collection based on assessment reports and feedback from the President and other campus entities.
  3. To evaluate the effectiveness of the institutional research process.
  4. Evaluate UPARs and Strategic Plan initiatives for ensuring appropriate assessment processes.
  5. Compile periodic assessment reports and share them with the President, President’s Cabinet, and other University entities as needed.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

To make recommendations regarding assessment and effectiveness for decision making, planning, and implementation of improvements.

Revised 2018

Audio-Visual Service Committee Reports through VP Strategic Initiative

Membership: Associate vice president for Academic Administration, chair; audio-visual coordinator, secretary; dean of Academic Technology, two faculty members elected by University Senate for alternating two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year

hiatus;) one member from Information Services appointed by the associate vice president, associate vice president for Financial Administration; vice president for Student Development, and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To oversee the maintenance of an inventory of audio-visual equipment housed and used in each space.
  2. To oversee the maintenance of an inventory of equipment kept for loan for activities not covered by equipment housed in spaces where it is used.
  3. To receive and act on requests for upgrades and additions, within budget, to audio visual equipment and services.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Student Development:

  1. To participate in designing audio-visual for all spaces e.g. classrooms and other meeting rooms and make appropriate recommendations.
  2. To work with the audio-visual coordinator to develop and monitor the annual budget for audio-visual equipment.

Christian Service Committee General Education Committee

Membership: Seven members of the University Assembly and two students. Four members of the faculty (one of which must be a dean or chair) appointed by the University Senate to staggered three-year terms, (each is limited to one term and not eligible for reappointment to another term until he/she has been off of the committee for one year), vice president for Academic Administration, director of the service program, university chaplain, and two students, one being the Student Association Community Service Director and the other appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To promote service in all fields of study.
  2. To advise the director in the supervision of the Christian Service Program.
  3. To establish standards of satisfactory service projects.
  4. To recommend service-learning classes in consultation with department chairs.
  5. To approve student initiated projects (mentored projects and/or co-curricular projects.

Recommendations to be made to the General Education Committee

To recommend policies regarding the service program to the General Education Committee.

Crisis Management Team (CMT) Reports to the President

Membership: University President, chair; Presidents Cabinet with vice president for Financial Administration, alternate chair; director of Marketing and University Relations (or

designee), secretary; one associate vice president for Financial Administration, director of Campus Safety (or designee), director of Risk Management, executive Information technology, vice president for Enrollment Management


Authority to Act:

  1. Reviews and implements the Crisis Management Plan.
  2. Makes Strategic decisions during a crisis.
  3. Reviews information and analyzes conditions through the university that warrant a change to the Crisis Management Plan.
  4. Allocates and directs distribution of resources during a crisis.

Disabilities Services Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Disability Services coordinator, chair; director of Student Success Center, one dean of men, one dean of women each appointed by the vice president for Student Development to staggered, non-renewable two-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) associate vice president for Financial Administration, one faculty appointed by the University Senate for a three-year, non-renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one student with a disability appointed by the Disabilities Services coordinator for a one-year, non-renewable term. Additional faculty selected by the subcommittee chair as needed in specific cases.


Authority to Act:

  1. To oversee and advise the process of providing services to students with disabilities.
  2. To keep the university informed of its responsibilities regarding students with disabilities and the nature and scope of reasonable accommodations.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To evaluate specific accommodation requests from students with disabilities and make recommendations regarding them.

Discipline Review Committee Reports to VP Student Development

Membership: Director of Student Life and Activities, chair; 2 residence hall deans (to be chosen by the VP Student Development), two faculty members appointed by the University Senate to alternating two-year terms (limited to one term and will not be eligible for another term until they have been off the committee for one year,) and an additional faculty as needed (selected by the Chair)


Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To assist the vice president for Student Development in student disciplinary decisions. The committee meets at the request of the vice president for Student Development or in response to the request of the student facing discipline.

Revised 2020

Distinguished Service Medallion Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Six members of the faculty and/or salaried staff, recommended to the president by the Faculty Affairs Committee, two of whom serve as alternates. Alternate members serve one year as described below (also see Faculty Employees Section 5000, Policy 5550, “Distinguished Service Medallion”) followed by a two-year term. The terms are staggered to allow two members to leave the subcommittee each year. At the beginning of each school year, the Faculty Affairs Committee appoints a chair and two alternates, and fills other unexpired terms when needed as vacancies occur (non-renewable terms, members eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,).


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made to the President:

The Medallion Subcommittee recommends recipients for the Distinguished Service Medallion according to procedures and criteria established by the Faculty Affairs Committee. The Medallion Subcommittee presents its recommendations to the university president. (See Faculty Employees

Section 5000, “Distinguished Service Medallion,” Policy 5550, for an explanation of the committee’s procedures and the criteria for the medallion.)

Diversity Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Chair appointed by the president, vice president for Academic Administration, vice president for Student Development, four faculty members selected by the University Senate and to serve alternating, non-renewable, two-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), director of Student Life and Activities, one residence hall dean appointed by the vice president for Student Development to a two-year term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), a Collegedale Church pastor appointed by the Church senior pastor to a two-year, non-renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), a recording secretary appointed by the chair, and two students appointed by the Student Senate for one-year, non-renewable terms. The president serves ex officio.


Authority to Act:

  1. To promote understanding of cultural differences and focus on ways to meet the needs and encourage full participation of every student in campus life.
  2. To promote the celebration of diversity for all ethnic and underrepresented groups.
  3. To help recruit under represented faculty, staff, and student groups.
  4. To provide continuous diversity education for faculty staff, and students.
  5. To search for financial resources for programs and scholarships to support diversity efforts on campus.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

  1. To make policy recommendations regarding diversity.
  2. To recommend approval of applications for financial resources to support diversity initiatives.

Employee Handbook Editorial Review Committee Reports to President

Membership: AVP Academic Administration (chair); Graduate Dean; AVP of Human Resources; University Senate Chair; University Senate Past Chair; one member from University Assembly (renewable two-year term appointment; appointed by Senate), one hourly employee (renewable two-year term; appointed by Administrative Council).


Authority to Act:

  1. To oversee the ongoing inclusion, review, and revision of Procedures and Policies within the Southern Policy and Procedures Manual and Employee Handbook (Handbook).
  2. To update the Handbook for editorial changes that do not change policy, but ensure accurate updates (for example: title changes, department name changes, etc.).
  3. To recommend changes regarding policy inconsistencies to the President, University Senate, and/or Administrative Council as needed.
  4. To prepare necessary documentation of policy changes in the Handbook and to submit documentation of policy changes to the President’s Office four weeks in advance of Board meetings, for Board of Trustees review and approval.
  5. To create a digital archive of Handbook policy changes.
  6. To ensure consistency of updated Handbook content across all published platforms.

Recommendations to be made through the President

New 2017

Employee Wellness Committee Reports through VP Financial Administration

Membership: Chair is appointed by the president; School of Physical Education, Health and Wellness designee, Risk Management Department designee, Health Services designee, Wellness Institute director, five employee/retiree representatives as selected by Ad Council for Alternating three-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), vice president for Financial Administration ex officio. In the absence of the committee chair, Wellness Institute director will serve as chair.


Authority to Act:

  1. To plan and implement annual Wellness Assessments and encourage all employees to participate.
  2. To plan and implement a calendar of activities to raise employee awareness for health and well-being as a personal responsibility.
  3. To support and encourage healthy lifestyles and lifestyle changes known to limit illness and disease and promote longevity with high quality of life.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Financial Administration:

To recommend incentives for participation in the Employee Wellness Program.

Revised 2014

Enrollment Priorities and Improvements Committee (EPIC) Reports to President

Membership: Chair/Co-Chairs to be appointed by the President;

Vice president of Marketing & University Relations, vice president of Enrollment Management, associate vice president of Human Resources, director of Admissions, director of Records, director of Strategic Planning, director of Housing, and retention coordinator.

Four members selected by the president (by recommendation of the co-chairs) with at least one required to be a faculty member.

Description and Purpose:

EPIC is tasked with engaging the University in managing customer relationship experiences creating a persistent focus on our students and families in the actions across the University, and driving the University to work together to obtain an optimum customer experience.


Authority to Act:

  1. Research and measure the customer service level students and parents are experiencing; establish with departments baseline KPI metrics; and assist in developing processes in areas that need improvement.
  2. Improve employee interactions with students and parents by increasing the customer service culture of campus through, but not limited to, education and training programs.
  3. Study university processes and interactions related to the customer experience and revise them through improvements where needed.
  4. Remove interdepartmental hurdles (silos) to enhance the customer experience.

Revised 2019

Environmental Sustainability Committee Reports to Administrative Council

Membership: Director of Risk Management, chair; vice president for Financial Administration, director of Landscape Services, Waste Management recycling operator, director of Food Service, director of Service Department, director of enactus, director of Student Life and Activities, director of Plant Services for Energy Management, project and planning manager for Marketing and University Relations, Biology Department representative, one

community member, two faculty appointed by the University Senate for a two-year, non- renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), Student Association

president, Green Initiative club president, Green Initiative Club vice president.


Authority to Act:

  1. Develop strategies for the advancement of Southern’s commitment to environmental sustainability and stewardship, coinciding with the development and implementation of Southern’ s environmental management system.
  2. Develop long-range sustainability practices, evaluate and prioritize plans, programs and projects including budgetary considerations.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

To make recommendations concerning environmental sustainability and the environmental management system programs and projects.

Revised 2013

EPA and OSHA Compliance Audit Team Reports through VP Financial Administration

Membership: Director of Risk Management, chair; representative of Campus Safety, representative of Chemistry Department, representative of Landscape Services, representative Plant Services, representative of Service Department, representative of, representative of Technology Department, representative of Transportation


Authority to Act:

Performs periodic audits to monitor and correct environmental and workplace issues on campus. Reports findings to Safety Committee.

Revised 2014

Faculty Affairs Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Seven members of the University Assembly, including six from the faculty, appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) chair appointed by the president.


Authority to Act:

  1. To foster scholarship and good teaching; to plan faculty in-service training sessions in consultation with the university president.
  2. To encourage equitable distribution of teaching loads, committee assignments, and extra- curricular activities.
  3. To encourage responsibility among faculty members in fulfilling their obligations to the university.
  4. To fulfill the grievance procedures in the Faculty Employment chapter of the Employee Handbook, Policy 5080.
  5. To supervise updating the Employee Handbook, related to faculty affairs.
  6. To provide professional counsel and guidance to individual faculty members upon request. (The line of responsibility of the Faculty Affairs Committee is determined by its specific function as detailed above and elsewhere in the Employee Handbook.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

To make policy recommendations for the Employee Handbook, related to faculty affairs, (may be subject to approval by the University Senate.)

Faculty Promotions Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Vice president for Academic Administration, chair; six Level 3 teaching faculty members, at least four of whom must hold rank of full professor and two members shall be elected each year by the University Senate for staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,)


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made to the President:

To examine, on the basis of criteria which are to be reported to the University Assembly each year, the qualifications of faculty who are eligible for higher rank or Level 3 contract status, and, when desirable, to consider the qualifications of prospective faculty members; and to make appropriate confidential recommendations to the president.

Revised 2013

Film Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Chair appointed by the University Senate for a two-year renewable term, six members of the University Assembly, appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) two students appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year, non-renewable terms, director of Student Life and Activities.


Authority to Act:

To determine, by either preview or recommendation by an appropriate body, which entertainment films may be shown at university functions.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To make policy recommendations regarding films to be shown on campus.

Financial Appeals Committee Reports to Senior VP Financial Administration

Membership: Director Student Finance, chair; vice president for Student Development, associate vice president for Budgeting and Financial Analysis, director of Records and Advisement, director of Advancement, associate director of Admissions, associate director of Student Finance, assistant director of Student Finance, Billing and Statement coordinator, head residence hall deans, or designees; student finance counselor representative (appointed by director of Student Finance), Collections manager, two faculty representatives selected by Senate (at least one of whom teaches in a Graduate Program) for 2-year, staggered, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a 1-year hiatus), Graduate and Professional studies Finance Counselor (recording secretary).


Authority to Act:

To consider appeals, petitions, and exceptions for financial assistance, including loans and scholarships.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Enrollment:

To recommend changes in student financial policies as needed.

Revised 2022

Financial Statement Review Committee Reports to President

Membership: The vice president for Financial Administration, chair; controller, secretary; all vice presidents, all associate vice presidents, executive director of Information technology, University Senate chair, past University Senate chair, and University Senate chair-elect. (Members do not have the option of sending representatives in the members’ absence for continuity.) The president serves ex-officio.


Authority to Act:

To review the monthly financial statements for comparing actual results to budget and to review budget variance and proposed action reports as requested. Members are to function for the whole institution and are not just representatives for the areas for which they are responsible.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

To make recommendations regarding policies and procedures coming from the review of monthly financial statements.

Fund-Raising Committee Reports through VP Advancement

Membership: Vice president for Advancement, chair; vice-chair; administrative assistant to vice president for Advancement; director of Planned Giving, director of Alumni, director of Student Life, Annual Giving officer, chief accountant, WSMC general manager, database manager, assistant director of Student Finance, and two school deans/department chairs appointed by the Administrative Council for alternating two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To prioritize and coordinate fund-raising activities campus-wide to avoid multiple solicitation of potential donors and overlapping dates of campaigns.
  2. To communicate fund-raising policies to faculty, staff, and students to protect the non-profit status of the university and the charitable deduction status of gifts made to it.
  3. To develop and communicate procedures for the proper acceptance and receipt of contributions whether they be unsolicited or in response to fund-raising.
  4. To consider and act on all fund-raising projects proposals under $25,000, from all university entities whether or not university receipts for tax deductible contributions are sought.
  5. To offer alternatives when proposals for fund-raising are not approved as submitted.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Advancement:

  1. To consider and make recommendations on all fund-raising projects over $25,000, from all university entities whether or not university receipts for tax deductible contributions are sought.
  2. To develop and recommend the updating of fund-raising policies.

Revised 2013

General Education Committee Reports to Undergraduate Council

Membership: Seven members of the teaching faculty, including the chair of the Writing Committee, the honors director, and a member of the Undergraduate Council, appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term. Chair appointed by the University Senate for a two-year term (may be renewed once – eligible after a one-year hiatus.) The vice president for Academic Administration, the director of Institutional Research and Planning, and the Christian Service Program director serve ex officio.


Authority to Act:

  1. To monitor the effectiveness of the general education program.
  2. To review and act on recommendations from the Writing Committee.
  3. To review and act on recommendations from the Christian Service Committee.

Recommendations to be made to the Undergraduate Council:

Develop and recommend changes to the general education program.

Graduate Council Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: Graduate Dean, chair; deans of schools with graduate programs or his/her designee, director of Records and Advisement, director of Libraries, vice president for Enrollment, two graduate faculty representatives to one-year, non-renewable terms; vice president for Academic Administration, ex officio.


Authority to Act:

  1. To serve as liaison between schools with graduate programs and the vice president for Academic Administration.
  2. To publish an annual catalog describing graduate programs, including financial information.
  3. To approve policies for graduate programs entrance, continuation, and graduation and when necessary interpret and resolve graduate policy issues.
  4. To develop and approve appropriate forms for record keeping for students in graduate programs.
  5. To act upon petitions and appeals which require responses exceeding the authority of a school dean or the vice president for Academic Administration.
  6. To serve as the university curriculum committee for graduate programs with the authority to recommend the following:
  1. Curriculum changes originated by the schools for specific degrees.
  2. Study tours.
  3. Proposals for specific study programs including workshops and continuing education.
  4. Continuing approval of lecture series and other special graduate-level study programs offered on a regularly recurring schedule.
  5. Specification program-by-program of requirements for student engagement in research and/or appropriate professional practice and training experiences.
  6. Expectations for knowledge of the literature in each discipline.

(The University Senate has the right of review of all actions pertaining to all curricular matters except for editorial and non-substantive changes.)

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Academic Administration:

To recommend the addition of new graduate study programs and the termination of unneeded programs.

Grievance Committee Reports through President

Membership: Chair, elected by the Senate from faculty or salaried staff, five faculty and five staff elected by Senate for 2-year staggered terms. Members may serve two consecutive terms maximum, eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus. The Human Resources associate vice president shall be ex officio, the non-voting secretary of the Grievance Committee.


Authority to Act:

The Grievance Committee shall have jurisdiction over matters including, but not limited to age, race, gender discrimination, national origin, handicap-disability, harassment, sexual misconduct, termination of employment and non-renewal of employment agreement and shall make recommendations to the President regarding whether or not sanctions are appropriate in such cases.

Revised 2019

Heritage Museum Committee Reports through VP Advancement

Membership: Vice president for Advancement, Chair; and four to six members are appointed by the president in consultation with the Alumni Council and with approval of the Administrative Council to serve alternating two-year renewable terms. Membership should include representation from (a) the Alumni Council, (b) alumni affinity groups, (c) university administration, and (d) museum volunteers, and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term. director of Alumni serve ex-officio.


Authority to Act:

  1. To assist with planning museum operations and exhibits.
  2. To approve and exhibit museum acquisitions that do not have significant financial impact on the university.
  3. To approve museum operational hours.
  4. To promote museum events and exhibits to alumni, current students, faculty/staff, and community constituents.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Advancement:

  1. To develop or review and recommend updates to the museum mission statement.
  2. To review and recommend an operating budget.
  3. To recommend approval of museum acquisitions that may have a financial impact on the university.

Honorary Degrees Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Three faculty members appointed by the University Senate, three administrators and one Board member appointed by the university president. The chair shall be appointed annually by the president from among the members of the committee. The members will serve three-year staggered, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,)


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made to the President:

Nominate candidates to the president for his consideration and recommendation to the University Board, for honorary degrees.

Honors Committee (Southern Scholars) Reports to Undergraduate Council

Membership: Honors director, chair, six members appointed by the University Senate, including a member of the Undergraduate Council, to staggered, non-renewable three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) the associate vice president for Academic ministration, and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

To implement the honors program; to promote honors as an alternative plan of general education among qualified students; to recommend. (The Honors director serves as a special advisor to students participating in the program.)

Recommendations to be made to the Undergraduate Council:

To recommend changes in the honors program, including norms for honor status.

Human Resources Committee Reports through VP Financial Administration

Membership: Vice president for Financial Administration, chair; associate vice president of Human Resources, secretary and associate chair; and the following seven representatives who will each serve a staggered, non-renewable two-year, term-eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus: one faculty representative selected by the University Senate , one ancillary/service representative, three hourly representatives, and one exempt non-faculty employee selected by the Administrative Council, and one Student Finance representative (hourly or salary) appointed by the vice president for Enrollment Management.


Authority to Act:

  1. To record the hiring of faculty and approve the hiring of all other full-time and part-time university employees
  2. To set hourly/salary pay grades, benefits, etc., for jobs and individuals.
  3. To consider and act on requests addressed to the Human Resources Committee.
  4. To consider and act on requests for individual exceptions to the Health Care Assistance Plan.
  5. To consider and act on exceptions to policy for special employee needs.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Financial Administration:

To review proposed modifications to the Health Care Assistance Plan and recommend changes (approval by the NAD Health Care Assistance Plan Administrative Committee

must be received for policy modifications).

Appeals of Human Resources Committee actions should be submitted to the Administrative Council.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Reports through VP Academic Administration

The Institutional Review Board is a subcommittee of the Academic Research Committee and acts to facilitate the conduct of ethical academic research campus wide.

Membership: Seven members appointed by the Academic Research Committee. The Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, Chair. Three Academic Research Committee members appointed for a one year renewable term, one appointee each selected from the following areas: Science/ Math (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math, and Physics) Life Sciences (Academic Technology, Faculty Development/On–line Campus, Business, Education, Journalism & Communication, Nursing, Physical Education, Psychology, Social Work, and Technology). Liberal Arts (English, History, Library, Modern Languages, Music, Religion, and Visual Art & Design). The Academic Research Committee Chair, ex officio, a veterinarian (not affiliated with Southern), and a physician (not affiliated with Southern).


  1. To recommend to the Academic Research Committee (ARC) policies and procedures for the conduct of academic research involving human subjects, animals and plants campus-wide.
  2. To review all academic research proposals to determine whether they are exempt from IRB approval.
  3. To review for approval, all non-exempt academic research proposals involving human subjects, animals and plants.
  4. To ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, and ethical mandates and provisions relating to research involving human subjects, animals and plants.
  5. To coordinate with the ARC, with Academic Administration and with the dean of Graduate Studies in maintaining records of on-going academic research.
  6. To coordinate with the ARC, with Academic Administration and with the dean of Graduate Studies in maintaining records of ethics training of faculty and students.

Responsibilities: The IRB:

  1. Complies with approved policies and procedures that ensure the integrity of campus-wide exempt and non-exempt academic research.
  2. Provides certified research compliance training for faculty and students involved in academic research.
  3. Makes available to faculty and students the necessary IRB applications needed for IRB approval;
  4. Provides assistance needed by faculty and students in completing the necessary IRB applications.
  5. Reviews to approve, exempt, require modifications to secure approval, or disapprove all research activities proposals covered by this policy.
  6. Conducts review of on-going research at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once per year.
  7. Reviews proposed changes in research activities to ensure that changes in approved research, during the period for which IRB approval has been given, continues to comply with IRB protocols.
  8. Requires that information given to subjects as part of informed consent is in accordance with policy.
  9. Requires or waive documentation of informed consent.
  10. Notifies, in writing, investigators and the institution of its decision to approve or disapprove the proposed research activity, or of modifications required to secure IRB approval of the research activity. If the IRB decides to disapprove a research activity, it shall include in its written notification a statement of the reasons for its decision, and give the investigator an opportunity to respond in person or in writing.
  11. Monitors and provides additional safeguards when vulnerable subjects (minors, mentally incompetent, prisoners, economically disadvantaged, pregnant females) are involved in the research in order to protect against coercion or undue influence.
  12. Conducts its review of potentially sensitive research (except when an approved exempt or expedited review procedure is used) at convened meetings where a majority of the members of the IRB are present.
  13. Approves potentially sensitive research only with the concurrence of a majority of those members in attendance or with an e-vote.
  14. Reports to the Graduate Dean and Academic VP any continuing or serious matters of non-compliance by investigators with the requirements and determination by the IRB.
  15. Suspends or terminates approval of research that is not in compliance with the IRB’s determinations or has been associated with unexpected serious harm to subjects.
  16. Maintains up to date records of all research conducted at SAU.

Records: The IRB through the ARC SharePoint Website

  1. Retains copies of all research proposals reviewed, scientific evaluations, if any, that accompany proposals, approved sample consent documents, approved advertising or other solicitations for subjects, progress reports and injuries to subjects.
  2. Maintains minutes of all IRB meetings which shall be in sufficient detail to show meeting attendance, actions taken by the IRB, the vote on these actions, including the number of members voting for, against, and abstaining, the basis for requiring changes in or disapproving research, and a written summary of the discussion of controversial issues and their resolution.
  3. Maintains records of IRB training programs including faculty and student completion of CITI training.
  4. Maintains records of continuing review activities.
  5. Retains copies of all correspondence between the IRB and investigators.
  6. Maintains listings of all IRB members identified by name, earned degrees and their professional representative capacity.
  7. Maintains a manual and website outlining IRB procedures and provides all IRB applications and forms.

Revised 2014

International Student Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Retention & First-Year Advising Coordinator, chair; director Student Life & Activities, associate vice president Academic Administration, one (1) Enrollment Management representative (appointed by the vice president Enrollment Management), Records & Advisement representative (appointed by vice president Academic Administration), Human Resources representative (appointed by vice president Financial Administration), executive director Budgeting, ESL instructor (appointed by vice president Academic Administration), vice president Student Development (invitee), 1 international student (appointed by the Student Senate for a 1-year non-renewable term); 2 students (appointed by director Student Success Center)


Authority to Act:

  1. To provide general oversight for university responsibilities regarding international students.
  2. To ensure Southern Adventist University’s compliance with immigration laws.
  3. To function as a liaison between students, university, and governmental entities.
  4. To ensure up-to-date information to students and faculty.
  5. To review issues regarding work and internship issues.
  6. To determine students’ need for economic hardship off-campus employment
  7. To determine eligibility to attend Tennessee Conference for International leadership (TN-CIL).
  8. To provide general oversight of international guests who arrive on campus in student capacities.
  9. To support the integration of international students into Southern campus culture.


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Student Development:

To make policy recommendations pertaining to international students. Revised 2018

Access/Key Committee Reports through VP Financial Administration

Membership: Associate vice president for Financial Administration, chair; access manager, secretary, director of Campus Safety, associate director of Plant Services, associate vice president of Human Resources, associate vice president of Information technology, director of Risk Management, one residence hall representative, one Conference Services representative, one faculty representative selected by University Senate for two-year, staggered, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one full-time staff member appointed by the Administrative Council for alternating two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,)


Authority to Act:

  1. To write, revise, and update the Access/Key Policy as deemed appropriate.
  2. To oversee and review compliance with the Access/Key Policy.
  3. To consider and act on requests for exceptions to the Access/Key Policy,
  4. To recommend changes to the Access/Key Policy to Administrative Council.

Revised 2013

Naming Committee Reports through VP Advancement

Membership: Chair appointed by the president; president, vice president for Financial Administration, vice president for Enrollment Management, vice president for Advancement, director of Marketing and University Relations, director of Alumni, associate vice president for Financial Administration, one faculty member selected by the University Senate for a two-year, non-renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Advancement:

To recommend names for building, roads, walks and other campus locations and entities.

Orientation Committee, New Student Reports through VP Student Development

Membership: First Year Experience/Coordinator, chair, director of Student Success Center, director of Student Life and Activities, Counseling Services coordinator, men’s residence hall dean, women’s residence hall dean, assistant director of Records and Advisement, director of Institutional Research and Planning, two teaching faculty members appointed by the University Senate to alternating, non-renewable, 2-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), student representative, vice president for Student Development, ex officio.

Functions: The New Student Orientation committee, in cooperation with the offices of Student Development and Academic Administration, provides oversight to the planning of programs designed to orient new students and parents to Southern Adventist University. The objectives are to:

  1. Assist new students in understanding the purposes of higher education and the mission of the institution.
  2. Assist new students in understanding their responsibilities within the university and community setting.
  3. Provide new students with information about academic policies, procedures, requirements, and programs.
  4. Inform new students about the availability of services and assistance programs.
  5. Assist new students in becoming familiar with the campus and local environment.
  6. Provide intentional opportunities for new students to interact with faculty, staff, and continuing students.
  7. Provide relevant orientation information and activities to the new student’s primary support groups.

Off-campus Learning Committee Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: Associate vice president for Academic Administration, chair; dean of Graduate Studies, co-chair; dean of Online Learning/Faculty Development; director of Records and Advisement; director of Libraries; associate vice president for Enrollment Management; vice president for Financial Administration; two faculty appointed by the University Senate to alternating, non-renewable, 2-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. Monitor the quality of online courses.
  2. Act as an advisory for Online Learning/Faculty Development
  3. Monitor extension classes
  4. Monitor compliance with off-campus site related policies and agreements.
  5. Study need for off-campus sites and negotiate preliminary agreements.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Academic Administration:

  1. Develop and recommend guidelines and policies for online course development.
  2. Recommend to Undergraduate Council online course policies & procedures for approval
  3. Develop and recommend policies governing off-campus sites for programs/courses.
  4. Recommend approval of off-campus sites, courses, and agreements.

Planned Giving Committee Reports through VP Advancement

Membership: Vice president for Advancement, chair, vice president for Financial Administration, vice chair, director of Planned Giving, secretary, controller, chief accountant, and one representative from the School of Business selected by the Dean for a two-year, non-renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and two community persons appointed by the Administrative Council for two-year, staggered, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,).


Authority to Act:

To oversee the acceptance, administration, and distribution of trust assets, and any other items which relate to deferred giving.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Advancement:

To review and make recommendations regarding all trust, charitable gift annuities, and other deferred giving instruments.

President’s Cabinet Reports to the President

Membership: President, chair; the vice presidents, as well as invitees as appropriate.


Authority to Act:

To assist the president in an advisory capacity and to provide a forum for discussion (in a staff relationship).

Recommendations to be made to the President:

No official recommendations are made as a policy recommending body.

Promotional Tour Committee Reports through VP Strategic Initiative

Membership: Vice president for Enrollment, chair; president, vice president for Academic Administration, chaplain, dean of the School of Music, Gym-Masters director.


Authority to Act:

To coordinate and approve policies, budgeting, fundraising, and scheduling regarding university sponsored promotional touring groups.

Public Art Committee Reports through VP Advancement

Membership: Chair appointed by the president; president; vice president for Advancement; director of Marketing and University Relations, director of Landscape Services; director of Alumni; three faculty members, one from Visual Art and Design, one from History, and one from any other department; one representative from the Library; and one staff member. (Last five members are appointed by University Senate for staggered, non-renewable three- year terms(eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To explore the concept of art and museum displays and exhibits throughout the entire campus.
  2. To advance the acquisition and expansion of holdings.
  3. To evaluate the best way to promote and display items.
  4. To promote use of the collections in student and community learning.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Advancement:

  1. To give approval and guidance for public art projects on campus. This includes items such as sculptures, major works of art, fountains, etc.
  2. To develop and recommend guidelines for considering new acquisitions.
  3. To recommend acquisition and placement of items that may require a financial commitment by the university.
  4. To develop and recommend plans to position SAU as a major collector.

Retention Committee Reports to Assessment and Effectiveness Review Committee

Membership: Vice president Strategic Initiative, chair; the associate vice president for Academic Administration, three faculty members appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), one representative from Student Development appointed by the vice president for Student Services to a non-renewable, three-year term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), director of Institutional Research and Planning, two student members selected by the student senate for one-year, non-renewable terms.


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made to the President:

To study and make recommendations regarding all aspects of student success, student development, client satisfaction, and student retention.

Sabbatical Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Vice president for Academic Administration, chair; vice president for Financial Administration, three faculty appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non- renewable two-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus)


Authority to Act:


Recommendations to be made to the President:

To consider faculty requests for sabbatical leaves; and to make recommendations to the president for approval.

Safety Reporting Oversight Committee Reports through senior VP Financial Administration

Membership: Chair * (see below); director of Campus Safety, associate chair; senior vice president for Financial Administration; vice president for Student Development; vice president for Marketing & University Relations; associate vice president for Human Resources; director of Risk Management; director of Student Life & Activities; dean of School of Physical Education; director of University Health Center; Family Housing Coordinator

* The chair is appointed by the senior vice president for Financial Administration in consultation with the director of Campus Safety based on which Campus Safety employee has primary responsibility for Clery Compliance matters.

Authority and Responsibility:

  1. Provide oversight for the university’s compliance regarding the Federal Clery Act and all Amendments, such as the (HEA) Higher Education Act and (VAWA) Violence Against Women Act, as well as TIBRS and other safety reporting requirements.
  2. Review annual requirements such as campus security authority training, gathering of crime statistics, classification of crimes, policy, policy statements, distribution of Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, and recommendations or requirements as published by the Department of Education or state governmental agencies.
  3. To review historical disclosures sent to the campus community, such as the daily crime and fire log, timely warning notices, and emergency notifications.

Authority to act:


Recommendation’s to be made through the senior vice president for Financial Administration

Make policy recommendation to Administrative Council for items pertaining to the Federal Clery Act and other designated areas of responsibility.

New 2018

Safety/Risk Control Committee Reports through Crisis Committee

Membership: Vice President for Financial Administration, chair; director of Campus Safety, vice chair; vice president for Student Development; associate vice president for Financial Administration, director of Energy Management (or designee), Alarm Systems engineer, one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate (one year term), one dean of men (or designee), one dean of women (or designee), director of Transportation (or designee), director of Food Services (or designee), dean of School of Physical Education, Health, and Wellness (or designee), director of Plant Services (or designee), director of Landscape Services (or designee), director of Service, chair of Chemistry Department, manager of Village Market, director of Health Services (or designee), director of Risk Management, director of Purchasing (or designee)


Authority to Act:

To review the facilities to provide greater safety of campus including all workers’ compensation, building, auto, and liability claims. One meeting per year is to be attended by an ARM field service representative.

Revised 2013

Screening Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Chair appointed by the University Senate for a two-year renewable term, one member of the School of Music appointed by the Dean of the School of Music, one dean of men and one dean of women appointed by the vice president of Student Development, three members of the University Assembly appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable,

three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), two students appointed by the Student Senate to one-year, non-renewable, terms, director of Student Life and Activities.


Authority to Act:

To approve, at the request of the vice president for Student Development, student programs before they are presented.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To make policy recommendations regarding student programs.

Social/Recreation Committee Reports to the President

Membership: Seven or more members, three of whom must be members of the University Assembly appointed to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms by University Senate. Remaining four or more members appointed by the president/f. Chair appointed by the president annually.


Authority to Act:

To coordinate, plan, and carry out social and recreational activities for the employees.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

To make recommendations regarding the social/recreation budget and other issues.

Southern Missions and Evangelism Executive Committee Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: School of Religion Dean, chair; VP Financial Administration, Associate VP Academic Admin, University Chaplain, Christian Service Program Director, Director of Advancement, Short-term Missions Coordinator, School of Nursing Dean, one student, appointed by the Student Senate, to a one-year renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. Propose and revise policies governing short-term mission and evangelism trips.
  2. Review and approve for recommendation to Ad council all short-term mission trips.
  3. Review and approve budgets and financing of short-term mission trips.
  4. Monitor effectiveness of short-term mission trips.
  5. Approve fund-raising activities for trips not covered by lab fees.

Recommendations made through vice president for Academic Administration:

  1. Recommend reviewed and approved trips to Ad Council for final approval
  2. Recommend issues dealing with academic credit to Undergrad/Grad Council.

Spiritual Life Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: University chaplain, chair; president, and vice president for Student Development, three members of the University Assembly appointed by the University Senate, one of whom teaches in a graduate program to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), one representative of the School of Religion appointed by the dean of the School of Religion, the senior pastor of the Collegedale Church or his designee, two students appointed by the Student Association Senate to one-year, non-renewable, terms, two students appointed by the committee chair for one-year terms.


Authority to Act:

  1. To give study to the spiritual needs of the student body.
  2. To develop, plan, coordinate, and promote student non-academic spiritual activities on and off the campus.
  3. To approve applications for general student mission service.
  4. To approve applications for campus ministry directors.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To recommend policies regarding the spiritual life of the student body.

Strategic Planning and Budget Committee Reports to the President

Membership: President, chair; vice president for Strategic Initiative, vice chair, all vice presidents, all associate vice presidents, director of Institutional Research and Planning, associate vice president of Human Resources, director of Marketing and University Relations, director of Admissions, one Board member appointed by the Chair of the Board, past chair of the Senate, current chair of the Senate, chair-elect of the Senate, two faculty, members for rotating non-renewable, three-year terms (selected by the University Senate from four names nominated by the vice president for Academic Administration (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), the Student Association president, and the university chaplain.


Authority to Act:

To develop long-range strategic plans, evaluate the strategic plans presented by the university vice presidents and prioritize strategic plans, programs and projects including budgetary considerations; and to develop the annual university budget.

Recommendations to be made to the President:

To make recommendations concerning the strategic plans, programs and projects to the President.

Revised 2021

Student Activities Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Director of Student Life and Activities, chair; Intramural Director, one dean of men, one dean of women each appointed by the vice president for Student Development, four University Assembly members appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, two-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), three students including the social vice president of the Student Association appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year, non-renewable terms, vice president for Student Development.


Authority to Act:

  1. To plan and arrange student entertainment programs for the university with specific attention to Saturday night.
  2. To approve and oversee student organizations.
  3. To advise the intramural sports program that is administered by the School of Physical Education, Health, and Wellness.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To develop and recommend policies and guidelines for general student activities and recreation, including Intramurals, Student Association social activities, Student Center, and the residence halls.

Student Intervention Committee Reports to VP Student Development

Membership: Director of Student Success Services, chair; associate vice president for Academic Administration, First Year Experience and Retention coordinator, a representative from Records and Advisement (appointed by the director of Records and Advisement,) either the university chaplain or his designee, dean of men, one additional dean of men (appointed by the dean of men,) dean of women, one additional dean of women (appointed by the dean of women,) two faculty appointed by the University Senate to alternating, renewable,, two-year terms; Consultants: vice president for Enrollment Management, vice president for Student Development.


Authority to Act:

  1. Review names of students submitted to Learning Success Services by any university employee having observed behavior which indicates a need for personal intervention.
  2. Develop recommendations and request that Individual committee members or other faculty /staff members contact specific students based on committee recommendation.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To make any appropriate policy recommendations regarding student intervention.

Student Media Board Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Faculty/staff, chair (appointed by president for a two-year term), dean of the School of Journalism and Communication (or designee), Southern Accent adviser, Southern Accent editor, Joker/Numerique adviser, Joker/Numerique editor, Southern Memories adviser, Southern Memories editor, Festival Studios adviser, Festival Studios producer, Student Association president, Student Association executive vice president, vice president for Student Development.


Authority to Act:

  1. To nurture effective student media and cultivate campus leaders who develop communication skills for the church and society.
  2. To supervise all student editors/producers.
  3. To grant official approval and provide general oversight for all media produced and edited by students, except those media with authorization from specific university departments.
  4. To appoint all editors of specific media from candidates who have completed the defined application process.
  5. To actively recruit candidates to submit applications for editor/producer of specific media.
  6. To review the performance of student editors/producers; to replace an editor/producer, if necessary.
  7. To resolve conflict regarding content between the editor/producer and the adviser.
  8. To require alterations to the content of specific media when necessary.
  9. To approve new student media.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

  1. To make recommendations for policies related to student media.
  2. To recommend (for ultimate approval by to the university president) advisers of specific student-produced media

Student Personnel Committee Reports to VP Student Development

Membership: Vice president for Student Development, chair; director of Student Life and Activities, secretary; university chaplain, director of Student Success Center, director of Learning Support Services, dean of men; dean of women


Authority to Act:

To give study to and advise the vice president for Student Development concerning matters related to various student services and the administration of policies which affect student services.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:


Student Development Committee Reports through VP Student Development

Membership: Vice president for Student Development, chair; director of Student Life and Activities, secretary; three members of the University Assembly appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), three students appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year terms; the dean of men and dean of women. and the chairs of the following committees: Disabilities Services Committee, Film Committee, International Student Committee, Screening Committee, Spiritual Life Committee, Student Activities Committee, Student Media Board, and Student Wellness Committee.


Authority to Act:

To promote the overall well-being of all university students and except for financial and academic issues, provide oversight for all student life issues and activities including the Student Association of the university.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Student Development:

To give study to, formulate, and recommend policies concerning student life except for academic and financial issues.

Student Wellness Committee Reports to Student Development Committee

Membership: Chair, appointed by the University Senate upon the recommendation of the vice president for Student Development; Student Wellness Director; two students appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year terms; one dean of men, one dean of women, two faculty/ staff, appointed by the University Senate for two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), chair of Employee Wellness Committee, and vice president for Student Development, consultant.


Authority to Act:

To oversee the Student Wellness program in counsel with the University Chaplain, University Health Services and the School of Health, Physical Education and Wellness.

Traffic Appeals Committee Reports to VP for Financial Administration

Membership: Director of Campus Safety, chair; two Student Association senators appointed by the Student Senate and two faculty/staff appointed annually by Administrative Council each August. The chair is a non-voting member except to break a tie vote.


Authority to Act:

To review and act on written appeals of vehicle citations issued from Campus Safety. The decision of the Traffic Appeals Committee is final.

Undergraduate Council Reports through VP Academic Administration

Membership: vice president for Academic Administration, chair, vice president for Enrollment Management, associate vice president for Academic Administration, school deans/ department chairs, director of Libraries, director of Records and Advisement, chair of General Education Committee, two students appointed by the University Senate for one-year, non-renewable terms.


Authority to Act:

  1. To serve as liaison between the departments and the vice president for Academic Administration
  2. To publish a catalog describing undergraduate programs, including financial information.
  3. To approve policies for entrance and graduation requirements, university-wide general education requirements, honors programs, and the conduct of special programs such as lecture series, adult education, workshops, study tours, and continuing education. University Senate has right of review of such actions.
  4. To serve as the university curriculum committee for undergraduate programs with the authority to recommend the following:
  1. Curriculum changes originated by the departments, i.e., changes in major and minor study programs, cognate and general education requirements for specific degrees.
  2. Recommendations from the General Education Committee.
  3. Changes in the honors program.
  4. Study tours.
  5. Proposals for specific study programs, i.e., workshops, continuing education.
  6. Continuing approval of lecture series and other special study programs offered on a regularly recurring schedule. The committee will invite other committee chairmen whose programs are under study to participate in the discussion.

(The University Senate has right of review of all actions pertaining to all curricular matters except for editorial and non-substantive changes.)

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Academic Administration:

To recommend the addition of new study programs and the termination of unneeded programs.

University Archives and Records Through President to Administrative Council

Membership: Chair selected by the president, director of McKee Library, director of Institutional Research and Planning, director of Records, controller, designee from Information Services, designee from Marketing & University Relations, designee from Advancement Office, two faculty members (appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable 2-year terms), student appointed by the History Department.


Authority to Act:

  1. To identify and maintain an inventory of those institutional records, papers of administrators and faculty and other material of significance.
  2. To assist various campus entities in developing their own preservation policies and to nurture a culture of preservation among the university community.

Recommendations to be made through the president:

  1. To develop a written policy regarding the preservation of and access to university records and artifacts.
  2. To make recommendations about the physical storage of records and other archival material.

University Senate Executive Committee Reports through President

Membership: See Employee Handbook Policy 1050, Officers and Members of the University Executive Committee and University Senate.


Authority to Act:

To guide the University Assembly, Senate, and Senate committees and subcommittees in discharging their responsibilities as outlined; to arrange the agenda for University Assembly and Senate meetings; to serve as the channel through which Senate Committees and members of the University Assembly (singularly or in groups) may introduce matters for consideration; to recommend appropriate persons to serve as chair of and membership on Senate committees and subcommittees, to address issues in the Employee Handbook; to act as a steering committee; to act, at the discretion of a majority of executive committee members, for the Senate on urgent matters which cannot wait for action by the Senate in regular session, such actions to be reviewed by the Senate at its next regular meeting.

Writing Committee Reports to General Education Committee

Membership: Five to eight members of the University Assembly, at least one half of whom teach or have taught a “w” class, appointed by the University Senate to staggered three-year terms, (each are limited to one term and not eligible for reappointment to another term been off the committee for one year), and two students appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To promote writing skills in all fields of study.
  2. To supervise the upper division writing skills programs as spelled out in the general education program.
  3. To establish standards of satisfactory writing for upper division students in consultation with department chairs to designate classes in which writing skills are taught.

Recommendations to be made to the General Education Committee:

To recommend policies regarding writing to the General Education Committee.