10710. University Archives and Records Update Delete

Through President to Administrative Council


Chair selected by the president, director of McKee Library, director of Institutional Research and Planning, director of Records, controller, designee from Information Services, designee from Marketing & University Relations, designee from  Advancement Office, two faculty members (appointed by the University Senate to  staggered, non-renewable 2-year terms), student appointed by the History Department.


Authority to Act: 

  1. To identify and maintain an inventory of those institutional records, papers of administrators and faculty and other material of significance. 
  2. To assist various campus entities in developing their own preservation policies and to nurture a culture of preservation among the university community.

Recommendations to be made through the president:

  1. To develop a written policy regarding the preservation of and access to university records and artifacts.
  2. To make recommendations about the physical storage of records and other archival material.