Presidential Committees – Report through the President

Administrative Council

Environmental Sustainability Committee

University Archives and Records Committee

Assessment and Effectiveness Review Committee

Retention Committee

Crisis Management Team

Safety/Risk Control Committee

Diversity Committee

Employee Handbook Editorial Review Committee

Faculty Affairs Committee

Distinguished Service Medallion Committee

Faculty Promotions Committee

Financial Statement Review Committee

Grievance Committee

Honorary Degrees Committee

President’s Cabinet

Sabbatical Committee

Social/Recreation Committee

Strategic Planning & Budget Committee

University Senate Executive Committee

Administrative Committees:

– Report through the Vice President for Academic Administration

Southern Missions and Evangelism Committee (mission trip approval)

– Report through the Vice President for Advancement

Fund Raising Committee

Heritage Museum Committee

Naming Committee

Planned Giving Committee

Public Art Committee

– Report through the Vice President for Enrollment

Financial Appeals Committee

– Report through the Vice President for Financial Administration

Access/Key Committee

Audio-Visual Service Committee

Employee Wellness Committee

Human Resources Committee

Safety/Risk Control Committee

EPA & OSHA Compliance Audit Team

Traffic Appeals Committee

– Report through the Vice President for Marketing and University Relations

Promotional Tour Committee

– Report through the Vice President for Student Development

Orientation Committee, New Student

Senate Committees:

Student Development Committees - Report through the Vice President for Student Development

Discipline Review Committee

Retention Committee

Student Intervention Committee

Student Personnel Committee

Student Development Committee

Disability Services Committee

Film Committee

International Student Committee

Screening Committee

Spiritual Life Committee

Student Activities Committee

Student Media Board

Student Wellness Committee

Academic Committees– Report through the Vice President for Academic Administration

Academic Research Committee

Institutional Review board

Graduate Council

Distance Education Committee

Undergraduate Council

Academic Review Committee

Admissions Committee

Advisement Committee

General Education Committee

Christian Service Committee

Writing Committee

Honors Committee (Southern Scholars)

Southern Missions and Evangelism Committee (academic credit issues)