10670. Student Development Committee Update Delete

Reports through VP Student Development


Vice president for Student Development, chair; director of Student Life and Activities, secretary; three members of the University Assembly appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), three students appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year terms; the dean of men and dean of women. and the chairs of the following committees: Disabilities Services Committee, Film Committee, International Student Committee, Screening Committee, Spiritual Life Committee, Student Activities Committee, Student Media Board, and Student Wellness Committee.


Authority to Act:

            To promote the overall well-being of all university students and except for financial and academic issues, provide oversight for all student life issues and activities including the Student Association of the university.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Student Development:

            To give study to, formulate, and recommend policies concerning student life except for academic and financial issues.