Student Activities Committee Update Delete

Reports to Student Development Committee


Director of Student Life and Activities, chair; Intramural Director, one dean of men, one dean of women each appointed by the vice president for Student Development, four University Assembly members appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable, two-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), three students including the social vice president of the Student Association appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year, non-renewable terms, vice president for Student Development.


Authority to Act:

  1. To plan and arrange student entertainment programs for the university with specific attention to Saturday night.
  2. To approve and oversee student organizations.
  3. To advise the intramural sports program that is administered by the School of Physical Education, Health, and Wellness.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

To develop and recommend policies and guidelines for general student activities and recreation, including Intramurals, Student Association social activities, Student Center, and the residence halls.