Types of Committees

There are three major types of university committees:

  1. Presidential Committees, which directly report to the president.
  2. Administrative Committees, which are directly accountable to the Administrative Council and whose actions may be reviewed by the University Senate.
  3. Senate Committees, which are subdivided into Academic and Student Development committees. Both subgroups are directly accountable to the University Senate and subject to Senate review.

All university committees are accountable to the University Board.


Questions concerning the jurisdiction of standing Administrative committees and Student Development committees shall be settled by the Administrative Council and/or University Board. Questions concerning the jurisdiction of standing Academic committees shall be settled by the Senate Executive Committee. The decision of any committee may be appealed to the president. The minutes of any university committee or subcommittee are accessible to any employee upon request. Such requests may be directed to the respective committee chair that is responsible for protecting privacy issues.

University Officers’ Responsibilities to University Committees

The responsibilities of each officer of the university to the committees reporting through him/her are:

1. Maintain a functioning schedule for those committees.

2. Preside over the committees for which he/she has been named chair.

3. Assist the chairs of the other committees in preparing an annual agenda.

4. Correlate the work of his/her office with that of the committees.

5. Serve as a consultant in preparing recommendations by the committee to the respective authority.

6. Expedite the work of the committees but without veto authority over their recommendations.

7. Assist the committees in implementing plans and projects.

University Appointments to Committees

Appointments to committees unless otherwise specified are as follows: Appointments of membership on and chair of the university committees and subcommittees are to be made yearly by the Senate Executive Committee (or delegated by the Executive Committee to a special nominating committee as provided for below under “Senate Nominating Committee”) and must be ratified by the Senate. Student members of

these committees shall be appointed annually by the Student Senate. Committee and subcommittee membership is not restricted to members of the University Senate, nor is subcommittee membership restricted to the members of the parent committee.

Senate Nominating Committee

The Senate Executive Committee is permitted to delegate to a standing Senate Nominating Committee task of nominating persons to university committee memberships and chairmanships. The nominations will be brought to the Senate Executive Committee for review and then to the Senate for ratification.

The past chair of the Senate shall be the chair of the Senate Nominating Committee; however, in extenuating circumstances the Senate Executive Committee may appoint another individual who is an existing member of the Senate to serve as the chair of the Nominating Committee who will then serve on the Senate Executive Committee during his/her term as chair of the Nominating Committee. This person is responsible for reporting the nominations to the Senate Executive Committee. Besides the chair, there shall be six members of the University Assembly appointed by the Senate to staggered two-year non-renewable terms. These members should be selected for their knowledge and experience in working with faculty and staff, as well as being representative of a cross-section of the University Assembly.

Reporting to Senate

All university committees shall post minutes on designated SharePoint sites. Other than committees reporting to the President, senate may review minutes of all university committees. Individual Senate committees may be asked by the Senate Executive Committee to report to the Senate. A subcommittee of a Senate committee must pass its recommendations to its parent committee for approval and posting on the designated website for Senate review.