10570. Safety/Risk Control Committee Update Delete

Reports through Crisis Committee



Vice President for Financial Administration, chair; director of Campus Safety, vice chair;  vice president for Student Development; associate vice president for Financial Administration, director of Energy Management (or designee),  Alarm Systems engineer, one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate (one year term), one dean of men (or designee), one dean of women (or    designee), director of Transportation (or designee), director of Food Services (or designee), dean of School of Physical Education, Health, and Wellness (or designee), director of Plant Services (or designee), director of Landscape Services (or designee), director of Service, chair of Chemistry Department, manager of Village Market, director of Health Services (or designee), director of Risk Management, director of Purchasing (or designee)


Authority to Act:

            To review the facilities to provide greater safety of campus including all workers’ compensation, building, auto, and liability claims.  One meeting per year is to be attended by an              ARM field service representative.