Public Art Committee Update Delete

Reports through VP Advancement


Chair appointed by the president; president; vice president for Advancement; director of Marketing and University Relations, director of Landscape Services; director of Alumni; three faculty members, one from Visual Art and Design, one from History, and one from any other department; one representative from the Library; and one staff member. (Last five members are appointed by University Senate for staggered, non-renewable three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To explore the concept of art and museum displays and exhibits throughout the entire campus.
  2. To advance the acquisition and expansion of holdings.
  3. To evaluate the best way to promote and display items.
  4. To promote use of the collections in student and community learning.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Advancement:

  1. To give approval and guidance for public art projects on campus. This includes items such as sculptures, major works of art, fountains, etc.
  2. To develop and recommend guidelines for considering new acquisitions.
  3. To recommend acquisition and placement of items that may require a financial commitment by the university.
  4. To develop and recommend plans to position SAU as a major collector.