
  1. Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month, with the exception of May, June, July, August, and December. Actions taken at specially convened summer meetings are subject to petition as described in “Extent and Limit of Senate Authority.”
  2. A Senate session shall not extend beyond three hours.
  3. Special meetings will be held when requested by 25 percent of the Senate, by 10 percent of the University Assembly, by the president, or by the Senate Executive Committee.


A simple majority of Senate membership shall constitute the quorum necessary to start a Senate meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, the percentage of membership present drops below 40 percent, all business shall cease and the meeting shall be adjourned. Quorum for the Senate Executive Committee and other Senate committees shall be a majority of the membership.

Voting Rules

Normally, voting will be done by voice or a show of hands; however, it may be done by secret ballot or the use of clickers if judged advisable by the Chair of the Senate or requested by more than one senator. A roll call division of the house or a roll call vote (recorded by name) may be taken at the discretion of the Chair or at the request of a senator with the support of 20 percent of the senators present.

Presence of Non-members

Regular Senate meetings shall be open to faculty, salaried staff, and students to the extent that seating is available. The Senate reserves the right to go into executive session for the entire session, or a portion thereof, at the discretion of the Chair or at the request of a majority of the members present.

Non-member Participation

Upon the recommendation of a senator and/or with the approval of the Senate Executive Committee, a non-Senate-member may be invited to address the Senate on a particular issue.


The agenda will be prepared by the Senate Executive Committee and shall be distributed to all members of the University Assembly at least three working days prior to the Senate meeting in order that non-Senate-members may have opportunity to hear the discussion of issues which interest them. Any item can be added to the agenda with the approval of two thirds of those members present. Such an item will only be presented after previously designated items are dealt with. Policy items on which legislative action is to be taken must be circulated to all senators at least seven working days prior to the meeting at which the item is to be voted upon. (See “Changes” in the Foreword of the Employee Handbook for Senate approval of revisions or amendments.)

Distribution of Minutes

Minutes of the proceedings shall be distributed by the Secretary to all members of the University Assembly within ten working days.

Amendments to University Senate Policies

According to the Foreword in the Employee Handbook, revisions in policy, including amendments to University Senate policies, may be suggested by any employee. Proposed amendments to Senate policies should be brought to the Senate Executive Committee, which may recommend them to the Senate for consideration. Proposed amendments that are recommended to the Senate must be circulated to each senator at least seven days prior to the date of the Senate vote. A two-thirds majority vote is required to amend Senate policies. The Assembly has the right to reconsider any such amendments as provided for under section “Extent and Limitations of Senate Authority.”

Procedural Questions

The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as a source of authority for parliamentary questions not covered in this manual.