10490. Off-campus Learning Committee Update Delete

Reports through VP Acad. Admin


Associate vice president for Academic Administration, chair; dean of Graduate Studies, co-chair; dean of Online Learning/Faculty Development; director of Records and Advisement; director of Libraries; associate vice president for Enrollment Management; vice president for Financial Administration; two faculty appointed by the University Senate to alternating, non-renewable,, 2-year terms  (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), and one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. Monitor the quality of online courses.
  2. Act as an advisory for Online Learning/Faculty Development 
  3. Monitor extension classes 
  4. Monitor compliance with off-campus site related policies and agreements. 
  5. Study need for off-campus sites and negotiate preliminary agreements.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Academic Administration:

  1. Develop and recommend guidelines and policies for online course development.
  2. Recommend to Undergraduate Council online course policies & procedures for approval
  3. Develop and recommend policies governing off-campus sites for programs/courses
  4. Recommend approval of off-campus sites, courses, and agreements.