10460. Access/Key Committee Update Delete

Reports through VP Financial Administration



Associate vice president for Financial Administration, chair; access manager, secretary, director of Campus Safety, associate director of Plant Services, associate vice president of Human Resources, associate vice president of Information technology, director of Risk Management, one residence hall representative, one Conference Services representative, one faculty representative selected by University Senate for two-year, staggered, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one full-time staff member appointed by the Administrative Council for alternating two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,)


Authority to Act:

  1.  To write, revise, and update the Access/Key Policy as deemed appropriate..
  2.  To oversee and review compliance with the Access/Key Policy. 
  3.  To consider and act on requests for exceptions to the Access/Key Policy,
  4.  To recommend changes to the Access/Key Policy to Administrative Council.