10340. Financial Appeals Committee Update Delete

Reports to Senior VP Financial Admin.


Director Student Finance, chair; vice president for Student Development, associate vice president for Budgeting and Financial Analysis, director of Records and Advisement, director of Advancement, associate director of Admissions, associate director of Student Finance, assistant director of Student Finance, Billing and Statement coordinator, head residence hall deans, or designees; student finance counselor representative (appointed by director of Student Finance), Collections manager, two faculty representatives selected by Senate (at least one of whom teaches in a Graduate Program) for 2-year, staggered, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a 1-year hiatus), Graduate and Professional studies Finance Counselor (recording secretary).


Authority to Act:

            To consider appeals, petitions, and exceptions for financial assistance, including loans and scholarships. 

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Enrollment:

            To recommend changes in student financial policies as needed.