10260. Employee Handbook Editorial Review Committee Update Delete

Reports to President


AVP Academic Administration (chair); Graduate Dean; AVP of Human Resources; University Senate Chair; University Senate Past Chair; one member from University Assembly (renewable two-year term appointment; appointed by Senate), one hourly employee (renewable two-year term; appointed by Administrative Council). 


Authority to Act:

  1. To oversee the ongoing inclusion, review, and revision of Procedures and Policies within the Southern Policy and Procedures Manual and Employee Handbook (Handbook).
  2. To update the Handbook for editorial changes that do not change policy, but ensure accurate updates (for example: title changes, department name changes, etc.).
  3. To recommend changes regarding policy inconsistencies to the President, University Senate, and/or Administrative Council as needed.
  4. To prepare necessary documentation of policy changes in the Handbook and to submit documentation of policy changes to the President’s Office four weeks in advance of Board meetings, for Board of Trustees review and approval.
  5. To create a digital archive of Handbook policy changes.
  6. To ensure consistency of updated Handbook content across all published platforms.

Recommendations to be made through the President