10220. Disabilities Services Committee Update Delete

Reports to Student Development Committee


Disability Services coordinator, chair; director of Student Success Center, one dean of men, one dean of women each appointed by the vice president for Student Development to staggered, non-renewable two-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) associate vice president for Financial Administration, one faculty appointed by the University Senate for a three-year, non-renewable term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) and one student with a disability appointed by the Disabilities Services coordinator for a one-year, non-renewable term. Additional faculty selected by the subcommittee chair as needed in specific cases.


Authority to Act:

  1. To oversee and advise the process of providing services to students with disabilities.
  2. To keep the university informed of its responsibilities regarding students with disabilities and the nature and scope of reasonable accommodations.

Recommendations to be made to the vice president for Student Development:

            To evaluate specific accommodation requests from students with disabilities and make recommendations regarding them.