10190. Audio-Visual Service Committee Update Delete

Reports through VP Strategic Initiative

Membership: Associate vice president for Academic Administration, chair; audio-visual coordinator, secretary; dean of Academic Technology, two faculty members elected by

University Senate for alternating two-year, non-renewable terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus;) one member from Information Services appointed by the associate vice president, associate vice president for Financial Administration; vice president for Student Development, and one student appointed by the Student

Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term.


Authority to Act:

  1. To oversee the maintenance of an inventory of audio-visual equipment housed and used in each space.
  2. To oversee the maintenance of an inventory of equipment kept for loan for activities not covered by equipment housed in spaces where it is used.
  3. To receive and act on requests for upgrades and additions, within budget, to audio visual equipment and services.

Recommendations to be made through the vice president for Student Development:

  1. To participate in designing audio-visual for all spaces e.g. classrooms and other meeting rooms and make appropriate recommendations.
  2. To work with the audio-visual coordinator to develop and monitor the annual budget for audio-visual equipment.