10130. Administrative Council Update Delete

Reports through President



President, chair, senior vice president for Academic Administration, senior vice president for Financial Administration, vice president for Student Development, vice president for Advancement, vice president for Enrollment Management, vice president of Spiritual Life, vice president of Marketing and University Relations, all associate vice presidents, director of Admissions, director of Alumni Relations, director of Enrollment Management/Student Finance, director of Institutional Research and Planning, executive director of Institutional Research & Planning, director of Planned Giving, director of Records and Advisement, director of Risk Management, controller, 2 student development representatives selected by vice president of Student Development  (two-year staggered non-renewable terms) and two faculty representatives selected by the University Senate (for two-year staggered, non-renewable terms).



Description and Purpose: The Administrative Council with its committees is designed to bring together representatives from all branches of administration to handle administrative matters in a systematic manner. It serves as the policy-making body for the administrative sector of the university and as the parent body for all administrative committees. Administrative committees recommend policy changes to the Administrative Council and report their actions as deemed necessary.


Extent and Limitation of Authority: The Administrative Council acts within authority delegated to it by the Board. Its decisions are subject to approval by the Board, which may restrict or expand the authority of the Administrative Council as necessary to transact university business.

In the event that employees disagree with a decision by the Administrative Council, they may request further explanations of the action and a second hearing of the question if 20          percent of the University Assembly so petition.

Signed petitions must be presented to the university president no later than four weeks after an official announcement about the action in question has been made. At the second          hearing the Administrative Council may rescind, modify, or reaffirm its previous action.  If an impasse still exists, the Board may be asked to decide the issue.


Authority to Act:

To act as the administrative authority on financial matters, and other general administrative matters that do not fall primarily within the domain of the University Senate, to formulate policies and to make exception to policies, pertaining to such matters, to delegate to appropriate committees the authority to make exceptions to policies, to approve non-budgetary purchases and major purchases provided by the budget; to approve housing contracts and sales of university assets; and to report to  employees on those actions which are of general concern.