Academic Administrative Council Update Delete

Reports to Senior Vice President for Academic Administration


Senior Vice President for Academic Administration (chair), Associate Vice President for Academic Administration and Dean of Student Success and Retention, Associate Vice President for Academic Administration and Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Director of Records and Advisement, Director of Libraries, Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, Director of Online Campus, deans and chairs of all schools and departments


The Academic Administration Council provides guidance and recommendations on activities that support the academic mission of Southern Adventist University. Focus of the work includes but is not limited to: the articulation of the academic mission, academic advising, enhancing the quality of academic programs, considering new academic programs and significant modifications in existing academic programs, program review evaluation, policy and procedures development/revisions, fostering faculty development and other faculty priorities.

This council includes responsibilities previously held by:

  • Advisement Committee (which included representation from Enrollment Management, Student Success Center, faculty, and students)
  • Distance Education Committee/Off-Campus Learning Committee (which included representation from faculty, students, Enrollment Management, Online Campus, and Financial Administration)