Academic Program Review Committee Update Delete

Reports through VP Acad. Admin.


Associate Vice President for Academic Administration (chair), Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Director of Records, six Level-3 teaching faculty members, at least four of whom must hold the rank of full professor (three members elected each year by the Faculty Senate for staggered, non-renewable 2-year terms [eligible for another term after a 1-year hiatus]).


Academic program review is a self-study and peer review process that provides Schools and Departments an opportunity to look at present practices, document accomplishments, and identify and improve shortcomings. This review is designed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the educational programs in the achievement of planned goals and objectives, improved effectiveness of program(s), and alignment of program(s) and institutional mission and goals. Committee recommendations are made to the school/department being reviewed and to the Senior Vice President for Academic Administration. The Review committee’s recommendations shall be implemented unless the school or department appeals the recommendation to the Faculty Senate. Review Committee recommendations can be struck down or amended by a 2/3 or greater majority vote of the Faculty Senate. Department chairs or deans of schools appealing the report or individual recommendations as well as any members of Faculty Senate serving of the Review Committee shall abstain from voting.