Guidelines for Faculty Load Update Delete

Administrative Duties:

Academic Unit Heads (chairs/deans) Per year (summer/fall/winter) = 6 - 24 hours

Directors/Coordinators Per year (summer/fall/winter) = 3 - 6 hours

Classroom Faculty Loads:

Lecture 1 semester hour (2 contact) = 1 hour

Lab 2 contact hours = 1 hour

Nursing Lab Supervision

A.S. 1 contact hour = 1 hour

B.S. 2 contact hours = 1 hour

Science Labs (biology, chemistry, physics) 1.3 contact hours = 1 hour

Performing ensembles 1 contact hour = 1 hour

(to a maximum of 8 hrs. per semester)

P.E. Activity classes 1 semester hour (2 contact) = 1.3 hours

O.L. Activity classes 1 semester hour (2 contact) = 1.3 hours

Graduate classes 1 semester hour = 1.3 hours

Activities counted toward the total faculty load, but not included above (e.g. team teaching, directed studies,

internships, practica, co-ops, student teaching, private music lessons, W courses, online course development, and non-curricular supervision) shall be determined within the academic unit, with the approval of the vice president for Academic Administration.