Student Success and Retention Committee Update Delete

Reports to Senior Vice President for Academic Administration



Associate Vice President for academic administration and dean of student success and retention (chair), Retention Services coordinator (secretary), Senior Vice President for Academic Administration, Senior Vice President for Financial Administration, Vice President for Student Development, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Director of Records and Advisement, first year experience coordinator, three faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), one dormitory dean appointed by the dean of students and director of residential life to a non-renewable, three-year term (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus), two student members selected by the student senate for one-year, non-renewable terms.


To study and make recommendations regarding all aspects of student success, student development, client satisfaction, and student retention to the Academic Administration Council.

This committee includes responsibilities previously held by:

  • Retention Committee
  • Student Intervention Committee (which included representation from Student Success Services, Office of Ministry and Missions, Enrollment Management, and Student Development)
  • Student Support Team