Student Media Board Update Delete

Reports to Vice President for Student Development


Faculty/staff, chair (appointed by president for a two-year term), dean of the School of Journalism and Communication (or designee), Southern Accent adviser, Southern Accent editor, Joker/Numerique adviser, Joker/Numerique editor, Southern Memories adviser, Southern Memories editor, Festival Studios adviser, Festival Studios producer, Student Association president, Student Association executive vice president, vice president for Student Development.


  1. To nurture effective student media and cultivate campus leaders who develop communication skills for the church and society.
  2. To supervise all student editors/producers.
  3. To grant official approval and provide general oversight for all media produced and edited by students, except those media with authorization from specific university departments.
  4. To appoint all editors of specific media from candidates who have completed the defined application process.
  5. To actively recruit candidates to submit applications for editor/producer of specific media.
  6. To review the performance of student editors/producers; to replace an editor/producer, if necessary.
  7. To resolve conflict regarding content between the editor/producer and the adviser.
  8. To require alterations to the content of specific media when necessary.
  9. To approve new student media.
  10. To make recommendations for policies related to student media.
  11. To recommend (for ultimate approval by to the university president) advisers of specific student-produced media