Spiritual Life Committee Update Delete

Reports to Vice President for Spiritual Life



Vice President for Spiritual Life (chair); Associate Chaplain (secretary); Vice President for Student Development; two faculty (one of whom teaches in a graduate program) chosen by the Faculty Senate and one staff member chosen by the Staff Advisory Council, to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus); one representative of the School of Religion appointed by the dean of the School of Religion; the senior pastor of the Collegedale Church or their designee; two student representatives of the Student Association to one-year, non-renewable, terms; two students appointed by the committee chair for one-year terms; and the Georgia Cumberland Conference Young Adult Director.



The Spiritual Life Committee will

  1. review assessments of the spiritual needs of the campus facilitated by the Spiritual Life Council,
  2. approve and recommend the Spiritual Master Plan to President’s Cabinet for Board of Trustees approval,
  3. review recommendations of Spiritual Life Council for approval at President’s Cabinet,
  4. review and recommend recent annual reports from the Spiritual Life Council to President’s Cabinet regarding the institution’s spiritual life and the implementation of the spiritual master plan for Board of Trustees consideration,
  5. review and approve annual reports from the Vice President for Student Development regarding the dorm worships, enrichment credits, and other activities pertaining to spiritual life of students, and
  6. review and approve recent annual reports from the Associate Director of Pierson Institute and World Missions regarding ERC short-term mission trips.
  7. recommend policies regarding the spiritual life of the student body.