Position Statement on Human Relations Update Delete

Southern Adventist University subscribes to the Position Statement prepared by the North American Division Curriculum Committee Task Force. The faculty and staff of Southern Adventist University commit themselves to the following principles on human relations and pledge themselves to strive to implement them in the conduct of their various offices and roles:

  1. We accept the biblical affirmation that God has “made of one blood all nations” (Acts 17:26), and are thus committed to providing an atmosphere for learning which is devoid of prejudice, discrimination, and separation.
  2. We are committed, so far as possible within the academic and financial resources of the university, to the recruitment and retention of students from different cultural and ethnic groups.
  3. We affirm that the principle of recruitment and retention of faculty from different cultural and ethnic groups, so far as possible within the staffing needs of the university, is fundamental to providing positive role models among cultural and ethnic groups on campus and is salutary in providing positive instruction among such groups.
  4. We are committed to providing a university atmosphere that promotes interaction among cultural and ethnic groups on campus. We are likewise committed to the sharing of Southern’s cultural climate through faculty, staff, and student interaction.
  5. We are committed to the concept of multicultural education that being different does not connote superiority or inferiority and that we can all learn from one another.
  6. We affirm that all faculty, staff, and students should hold a positive attitude toward cultural pluralism and that they should be encouraged to become actively involved in the planning, development, implementation, and improvement of the multicultural aspects of Southern’s programs in their respective areas of expertise and responsibilities.
  7. Finally, we are committed to the biblical precept to love our neighbors as we love ourselves and are therefore committed to apply the Golden Rule as our ultimate guide in human relations.