Information Technology and Cyber Security Committee Update Delete

Reports to Senior Vice President for Financial Administration


Associate Vice President for Information Technology (chair), Director of Information Technology, Dean of the School of Computing, Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies, Director for Online Campus, Associate Director of Digital Infrastructure, Associate Director of Workstation Support, Vice President for Academic Administration, Vice President for Financial Administration, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Director of Risk Management, Director of Marketing University Relations


The purpose of the Information Technology Security Committee is to

  1. Provide strategic direction related to academic technology needs, standards and infrastructure, and Security
  2. Review Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans and provide input to the planning and identification of risk areas
  3. Keep a pulse on the University Security posture and provide guidance for enhancements of an overall information assurance / security plan
  4. Ensure Information Technology and its services are meeting the needs of the University
  5. Guide technology initiation or enhancements for classroom and or academic program startup aligned with the Strategic Plan
  6. Guide and validate capital purchases for IT Infrastructure as they support the University Strategic Plan and initiatives
  7. Make recommendations for policy and infrastructure changes to the President’s Committee
  8. Provide oversight of Vendor and Employee security compliance
  9. Ensure regulatory security requirements are met for GLBA and others