Employee Definitions Update Delete


  1. Hourly Employees
  2. Salaried Employees
  3. Temporary Employees
  4. Student Employees

Hourly staff employees are non-exempt employees of the university. (“Non-exempt” usually means an employee who maintains an hourly record of their work and is eligible to work overtime for pay.) Hourly staff may be full-time or part-time.

Salaried staff employees are generally exempt employees of the university who are employed on a salaried basis. (“Exempt” means that if these employees work beyond scheduled time, they earn no additional pay.) Included in this group are the president, the vice presidents, the non-academic department directors, and staff in the many administrative and support departments of the university.

Temporary employees are generally non-exempt employees who work assignments that are non-permanent in nature. Temporary employees may be full-time, part-time, or exempt (salaried).

Student employees are non-exempt employees of the university. Student employees generally work part-time and may be employed by one or more department (s) on or off campus.

Faculty: Teaching Employees

Teaching faculty consist of exempt employees of the university who are employed on an annual agreement and compensated on a salaried basis and whose primary responsibility to the university is

teaching in or administering one of the academic departments or schools. Professional librarians are also members of the teaching faculty.

Adjunct faculty members are exempt employees compensated on a salaried basis who are employed to teach on a class-by-class agreement basis.