Advancement Council Update Delete

Reports to Vice President for Advancement


Vice President for Advancement (chair), Director of Alumni Relations, Director of Planned Giving, Associate Director of Advancement, Associate Director of Major Gifts, Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships, Associate Director of Community Events and Guest Services, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, Associate Director of Annual Giving, Call Center Manager, Advancement Database Administrator, Advancement Administrative Assistant, Donor Recognition & Records Coordinator, Special Advisor to the President on Diversity and Strategic Planning


The Advancement Council establishes strategic goals and operationalizes plans to reach those goals in the areas of alumni relations and annual, planned/estate, capital, grant, and major gift fundraising. The Council considers and recommends policies and programs related to philanthropic giving and alumni engagement. It reviews fundraising and alumni engagement opportunities related to advancing the university’s priorities and strategic plan, provides guidance to the Alumni Council as needed, may review requests for named spaces and address concerns with existing named spaces. It reviews student fund raising proposals, may oversee the acceptance of historical campus memorabilia, and works with Marketing and Facilities to review gifted art acceptance and placement. The Council meets monthly. As special topics arise, invitees will be asked to attend the council to provide additional perspectives. Ad hoc committees and task forces may be created to provide in-depth recommendations or understanding to the Advancement Council.

This council includes responsibilities previously held by:

  • Fund Raising Committee (which included representation from Student Life, Accounting, WSMC, Student Finance, academic deans/chairs, and students)
  • Heritage Museum Committee (which included representation from students, Alumni Council, alumni affinity groups, museum volunteers, and administration)
  • Naming Committee (which included representation from faculty, students, Financial Administration, Enrollment Management, and Marketing and University Relations)
  • Public Arts Committee (which included representation from Visual Art and Design, History, Marketing and University Relations, Landscape Services, McKee Library, and students)