International Student Committee Update Delete

Reports to Vice President for Student Development



International Student Enrollment Manager (chair), special advisor to the President on strategic planning and diversity, director Student Life & Activities, associate vice president for Academic Administration/dean of Student Success/Retention; director of Admissions; one (1) Enrollment Management representative (appointed by the vice president Enrollment Management), Records & Advisement representative (appointed by vice president Academic Administration), Human Resources representative (appointed by vice president Financial Administration), ESL instructor (appointed by vice president for Academic Administration), vice president Student Development (consultant), 1 international student (appointed by the Student Senate for a 1-year non-renewable term)


The International Student Committee will:

  1. provide general oversight for university responsibilities regarding international students,
  2. ensure Southern Adventist University’s compliance with immigration laws,
  3. function as a liaison between students, university, and governmental entities,
  4. ensure up-to-date information to students and faculty,
  5. review issues regarding work and internship issues,
  6. determine students’ need for economic hardship off-campus employment, and
  7. determine eligibility to attend Tennessee Conference for International leadership (TN-CIL).