Human Resources Committee Update Delete

Reports to Senior Vice President for Financial Administration


Senior Vice President for Financial Administration (chair), Director of Human Resources (associate chair), one Student Finance representative (salaried) appointed by the Senior Vice President for Financial Administration, and the following six representatives who will each serve a staggered, non-renewable two-year, term – eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus: one faculty representative selected by the Faculty Senate, one ancillary/service representative, three hourly representatives, and one exempt non-faculty employee. The Human Resources Generalist will serve as the non-voting Recording Secretary.


The Human Resources Committee serves as a representative body of university employees which regularly convenes on employment matters and in doing so, takes action so that departments, employees, and Human Resources can apply employment related decisions based on policy and best practices.  Specifically, the Human Resources Committee will:

  1. Recommend to administration any new employment related policies.
  2. Consider and act on requests for student worker pay structure exceptions.
  3. Consider and act on exceptions to policy for special employee needs.
  4. Consider and act on requests from the Paid Leave Bank.
  5. Consider the circumstances and make decisions regarding the Employment of Relatives within the same department or reporting structure.
  6. Meet weekly or as needed.