General Education Committee Update Delete

Reports to Undergraduate Curriculum Committee


Seven faculty members of the undergraduate teaching faculty, including the chair of the Writing Committee, the honors director, and a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, appointed by the Faculty Senate to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,) one student appointed by the Student Senate for a one-year, non-renewable term. Chair appointed by the Senate for a three-year term (may be renewed once – eligible after a one-year hiatus.) The senior vice president for Academic Administration, the executive director of Institutional Research and Planning, and the Christian Service Program director serve ex officio.


  1. To monitor the effectiveness of the general education program.
  2. To review and act on recommendations from the Writing Committee.
  3. To review and act on recommendations from the Christian Service Committee.
  4. Develop and recommend changes to the general education program.