Film and Screening Committee Update Delete

Reports to Vice President for Student Development


Chair appointed by Faculty Senate for a two-year renewable term; four members of Employee Assembly, one of whom is a member of the School of Music, appointed by the Faculty Senate; two members of the Employee Assembly, appointed by the Staff Advisory Council,  to staggered, non-renewable, three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus,); one residence hall dean; two students appointed by the Student Association Senate for one-year, non-renewable terms; director of Student Life and Activities.


The Committee will:

  1. determine, by either preview or recommendation by an appropriate body, which films may be shown at university functions (Films shown in an academic setting are exempted from this sort of screening)
  2. approve, at the request of the vice president for Student Development, student programs before they are presented on campus
  3. make policy recommendations to the vice president for Student Development regarding films and entertainment on campus.

This committee includes responsibilities previously held by:

  • Film Committee
  • Screening Committee