Faculty Affairs Committee Update Delete

Reports to Faculty Senate (information needs updating)


Seven members of the University Assembly, including six from the faculty, appointed by the University Senate to staggered, non-renewable three-year terms (eligible for another term after a one-year hiatus) chair appointed by the president.


  1. To foster scholarship and good teaching; to plan faculty in-service training sessions in consultation with the university president.
  2. To encourage equitable distribution of teaching loads, committee assignments, and extracurricular activities.
  3. To encourage responsibility among faculty members in fulfilling their obligations to the university.
  4. To fulfill the grievance procedures in the Faculty Employment chapter of the Employee Handbook, Policy 5080.
  5. To supervise updating the Employee Handbook related to faculty affairs.
  6. To provide professional counsel and guidance to individual faculty members upon request. (The line of responsibility of the Faculty Affairs Committee is determined by its specific function as detailed above and elsewhere in the Employee Handbook.
  7. To make policy recommendations for the Employee Handbook, related to faculty affairs (may be subject to approval by the University Senate).