Customer Service Committee (Formerly Enrollment Priorities and Improvements Committee - EPIC) Update Delete

Reports to Vice President for Marketing and University Relations


Vice President for Marketing and University Relations (chair), Associate Vice President for Human Resources (vice-chair), one representative each from Marketing and University Relations, Student Development, Enrollment, and Human Resources, as well as two hourly and two salaried employees selected on a rotating basis by the chair and vice-chair for their dedication to customer service.


The Customer Service Committee will:

  1. Review and work to enhance employee customer service training and development,
  2. Monitor and assess the ease-of-use of the Enrollment Checklist,
  3. Introduce new customer service incentive programs and oversee implementation of existing incentive programs such as Give ’em the Pickle and WOW cards,
  4. Recommend candidate(s) for the President’s Award for Customer Service Excellence, and
  5. Identify service pain points and recommend solutions to senior administration.