Summer Ministries Scholarships Update Delete

These scholarships are available to any student who works during the summer at a Seventh-day Adventist conference-sponsored summer camp or one of the other ministries listed below and then attends Southern Adventist University during the next academic year. The Student Finance Office will verify with the student's employing organization that contractual obligations have been met over the course of the summer. A student who participates in multiple summer ministry projects is eligible to receive only one of the scholarships below. Southern Adventist University will choose the larger of the two scholarships. December graduates may request the full scholarship be applied to their account in the fall semester upon submission of approved degree audit and contract for graduation to the Student Finance Office before the end of fall semester. The amount applied is subject to a maximum aid cap.

Literature Evangelism Scholarship - Scholarship amount is determined by the amount of summer earnings from LE that is placed

on the student's account. Southern Adventist University will match earnings at 50%, with a max of $2,000.

Summer Camp Scholarship - Scholarship amount is determined by the number of full weeks worked. Students may qualify for

$170 per week, with a max of $2,100. To apply for this scholarship, the camp director must submit the number of weeks worked,

based on the camp contract, to the Student Finance Office.

Summer in Ministry Internship Scholarship - Scholarship amount is determined by the number of full weeks worked in the

program. Students may qualify for $170 per week, with a maximum of $2,000.

  • Eligible students will participate in the Summer in Ministry Internship Program facilitated by the School of Religion and endorsed and supported by the Southern Union Conference, or as a Bible worker in a paid position supported by the local conference and/or local church.
  • To receive this scholarship, the student must apply in advance to the program through the School of Religion, complete any orientation activities required by Southern Adventist University, and work full-time in the program. Periodic evaluations and compensation will come from the local conference and/or the local church.
  • Once the summer is over, the dean of the School of Religion will certify the number of qualifying weeks worked by the student and submit the information to the Student Finance Office.