Institutional Grants Update Delete

Southern Adventist University need-based institutional grants are awarded from institutional and endowment funds to students who have financial need and are achieving academically. The amount of these awards is variable per year depending upon the student's need and availability of funds. The amount of a student's need-based institutional grant award, as well as his/her federal grant award, will be determined after all the necessary federal and institutional applications are completed and processed. If the student's academic progress falls below the required level, the institutional grant may be canceled. Any requests for exceptions should be addressed to the Financial Appeals Committee.

Endowment Grants-Southern Adventist University is blessed with an endowment fund created by donors interested in helping students achieve their educational goals. Eligibility for these grants is determined by filling out the FAFSA. This application uses a common nationwide formula to determine a family's ability to pay for college. Southern Adventist University uses this formula as a guideline in disbursing the Southern Endowment Fund. Awards are made on a fund available basis. Notification to eligible recipients will be listed on the Financial Aid Offer Letter. Recipients must complete a thank you note for the donors upon request by Advancement.