Federal Work Study Update Delete

This program is available to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Under the Federal Work-Study program, the employer pays a small part of the student's wages, and the government pays the remainder. Most work-study positions are on campus. Students are responsible for acquiring their own jobs. Students can work maximum of 24 hours per week during the fall and winter semesters, including vacation periods. They can work a maximum of 38 hours a week during the summer. The basic pay rate is no less than the current minimum wage. The rate varies depending on the skill and experience needed for the job. Students who receive Federal Work-Study earnings will receive 100% of their earnings unless they give written permission for their earnings to be applied to their student account or their account is flagged as past due. The Federal Work-Study Program is a method of payment. It is not additional funding on top of the student's earnings. Further information is available from the Student Finance Office.