Federal Loans and Grants Update Delete

Federal low-interest loans for eligible students to help cover the cost of higher education. Funds are borrowed directly from the U.S. Department of Education and the student must meet the general eligibility requirements for federal student aid. For additional information on Federal Direct Loans, please visit StudentAid.gov/loans.

Direct Loan interest rates are set each year by Congress, and are fixed rates for the life of the loan. The interest rate varies depending on the loan type and first disbursement date of the loan. Most federal loans have loan fees that are a percentage of the total loan amount. The loan fee is deducted proportionally from each loan disbursement received. The percentage varies depending on when the loan was first disbursed. For additional information on Direct Loan interest rates and loan fees, please visit StudentAid.gov/loans.

Direct Subsidized Loans-Loans available to undergraduate students with financial need/financial status according to the FAFSA. The U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on the loan as long as the student is enrolled in school at least half-time. The student must sign a master promissory note (MPN), complete entrance counseling and sign the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (ASLA) online at StudentAid.gov before the loan is released onto their account. Repayment of the loan generally begins six months after the student graduates, leaves school or drops below half-time enrollment. For additional information, please visit StudentAid.gov/sub-unsub.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans-Loans available to students, regardless of need/financial status according to the FAFSA. The student is responsible for paying the interest, which accrues while enrolled in school at least half-time. The student must sign a master promissory note (MPN), complete entrance counseling and sign the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (ASLA) online at StudentAid.gov before the loan is released onto their account. Repayment of the loan generally begins six months after the student graduates, leaves school or drops below half-time enrollment. For additional information, please visit StudentAid.gov/sub-unsub.

Direct PLUS Loans (Parent PLUS)-Loans made available to parents of dependent undergraduate students who are enrolled in school at least half-time. Parents must sign a master promissory note (MPN) and sign the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (ALSA) online at StudentAid.gov before the loan is released to the student's account. The yearly loan limit is the cost of education minus any estimated financial aid that the student is eligible to receive. For additional information on Parent PLUS loans, please visit StudentAid.gov/plus.

NOTE: Southern Adventist University can refuse to certify a loan application, or can certify a loan for an amount less than the maximum amount. Students/Parents will be notified in writing, with a full explanation, if such a circumstance should arise.